Visiting the "isolation examination room" of the college entrance examination: What are the differences between special examination rooms?

  On July 3rd, the staff (right) simulated the temperature test results of the candidates in zhounan middle school, Changsha. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 3 (Reporter Xie Ying Zhang Ge) The college entrance examination is just around the corner, and the preparations for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation are also under intense pressure. On the 3rd, the reporter participated in the college entrance examination exercise in zhounan middle school, and visited the "isolation examination room" exclusively.

  At the test center in zhounan middle school, Changsha, the warning stakes, warning tape and sunshade awning erected in front of the school gate were neatly placed, and more than 100 "candidates" lined up outside the test center at a distance of one meter to receive infrared temperature measurement.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the arrangement of examination seats for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "Candidates whose body temperature is higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius will be led by the epidemic prevention commissioner to rest in the rest area, and then re-examined with a mercury thermometer. If the temperature is lower than 37.3 degrees Celsius, they can take the test normally. If the candidate’s body temperature is still higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius, after comprehensive evaluation, the candidate’s physical condition is suitable for continuing to take the exam, then the standby isolation examination room will be started. " Liu Luochun, dean of Changsha Education Examinations Institute, said.

  Zhang Siyu, a senior two student in zhounan middle school, plays a "suspected case". "In the re-examination room, the disease control personnel asked me ‘ Condition ’ At the same time, you have been giving me psychological counseling. Tell me ‘ Don’t be nervous, just have a simple test, and it won’t affect the exam ’ 。”

  On July 3, the medical staff (middle) simulated the rest area in the body temperature check area to appease the mood of candidates with high body temperature. Candidates will receive a second temperature test after taking a short rest in the rest area to prevent the temperature from being affected by excessive temperature and emotional tension. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After that, Zhang Siyu was guided to a special passage by medical staff and went to the isolation examination room. In the examination room, two invigilators, wearing protective clothing, goggles and gloves, carried out security check on Zhang Siyu.

  There are epidemic prevention supplies such as temperature guns, disinfectant and disposable gloves on the podium in the isolation examination room. There are only four examination tables in the examination room, and the seat spacing is more than 2 meters. In addition, there is a letter to parents on each desk: "We have opened a backup examination room for your child, and the facilities and time schedule of the examination room are the same as those of other examination rooms". "After the examination is completed, you and your child need to wear masks strictly, and you are not allowed to take public transport or school buses to take the exam, and try not to get in close contact with others" … …

  On July 3, the medical staff (first from left) simulated and led the fever examinee (middle) to enter the isolated standby examination room from the special passage of the isolated examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  The reporter learned in the on-site exercise that it only took less than 20 minutes for the "suspected case" candidates to measure their body temperature and enter the isolation examination room. If the isolation examination room starts the examination later than the normal examination time, the examination time can be postponed later.

  "There are school doctors and professionals from the disease control department in the test center, which will comprehensively judge the symptoms of candidates and give them proper treatment in time. After the candidates finish the exam, they will also be tested by a special person. " Luo Shu, the invigilator of the isolation examination room, said.

  On July 3, the medical staff simulated the physical condition of the candidate (right) in the temperature check area. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After the examination, the group examination work in the isolation examination room is still going on. The test papers, answer sheets and draft papers used by candidates with "suspected cases" should be packaged, sterilized and stored separately for special collection. The epidemic prevention personnel will also sterilize the examination room, examination table and door handle to prepare for the next subject examination.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the security check for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Liu Luochun told reporters that the isolation examination room is a special setting for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation. Each test center will conduct centralized training and group examination drills for examinees before the college entrance examination to ensure the safety of candidates and the smooth examination. "In fact, there is nothing different about the isolation examination room for candidates, just changing places."

  On July 3, the staff of the Kaifu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention simulated the isolation of the spare examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "I can imagine that college entrance examination candidates will inevitably feel nervous under the epidemic, but I feel the safety and order of the examination process and the completeness and intimacy of the group examination from the exercise. I believe that even in the isolation examination room, this life exam can be successfully completed. " Zhang Siyu said.