Autonavi Maps promotes the integration of data and reality in an aggregation model, and the integrated travel service platform is open to the ecosystem

Financial Investment Network News (Reporter, Liu Min)On February 21, Autonavi Maps’ integrated travel service platform was officially released at the seminar "Integration of scientific and technological innovation and reality to help build a transportation power". Autonavi Maps is the first batch of Internet platform companies to participate in the demonstration construction of a transportation power. The integrated travel service platform released this time is the result of its participation in the pilot construction of a transportation power.

Autonavi Map builds an integrated travel service platform in an aggregated model. At present, it has access to a full range of urban travel and intercity travel services, including urban travel services such as public transportation, subway, taxi, online car-hailing, walking, and motorcycles, trains, passenger transportation, airplanes, and other intercity travel services, as well as supporting services such as charging and refueling. Users can query real-time traffic information, plan travel routes, use navigation, taxi, shared bicycles, and other services. They can also directly buy train tickets, plane tickets, etc., which greatly improves travel convenience.

In order to promote ecological win-win and promote the integration of digital and real development. Yu Yongfu, chairperson of Autonavi Group, announced that the integrated travel service platform is Autonavi’s No. 1 project in 2023. Autonavi will adhere to the aggregation model, open up map navigation, technical services, platform traffic and other capabilities, and create a new combination with "old masters" who are deeply involved in the transportation industry to build an integrated travel service platform.

(Photo: Yu Yongfu, Chairperson of Autonavi Group, delivers a speech at the seminar on "Integration of scientific and technological innovation with reality to help build a transportation powerhouse")

Integrated travel service platform released

The integrated travel service platform released by Autonavi Map this time provides users with a one-stop travel entrance, allowing users to optimize their individual travel experience, and provides integrated travel planning for the industry. It is based on Autonavi’s smart transportation and other technical capabilities to achieve global efficiency optimization.

It is understood that the platform is the stage result of Autonavi Map’s participation in the pilot construction of a transportation power. In 2021, the pilot work of the special project of building a transportation power comprehensive transportation big data was approved. Among them, Autonavi Map, as a pilot unit, and the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, undertook the pilot task of improving the convenience of comprehensive transportation services, becoming the first batch of Internet platform enterprises to participate in the demonstration construction of a transportation power.

At present, the Autonavi integrated travel service platform has been integrated into a full range of urban and intercity travel services through the aggregation model, including urban travel services such as public transportation, subway, taxi, online car-hailing, walking, and motorcycles, as well as intercity travel services such as trains, passenger transportation, and airplanes, as well as supporting services such as charging and refueling.

Autonavi cooperates with public transportation groups and subway companies in major cities across the country to provide users with real-time public transportation, real-time subway full load rate inquiry and other travel services; Autonavi cooperates with the taxi industry in more than 100 cities to help taxi network integration and online orders; Autonavi and Chihiro jointly launched the "Beidou Travel Application Innovation Plan", calling Beidou satellite daily positioning volume has exceeded 300 billion times, realizing Beidou dominance, and launching next-generation navigation services such as lane-level navigation and traffic light countdown.

In intercity travel, Autonavi cooperates with platforms such as 12306, Ctrip, and Flying Pig to provide users with travel services such as intercity route planning and ticket purchase. In terms of travel supporting services, Autonavi Map cooperates with more than 30,000 gas stations, covering 340 cities across the country. It also cooperates with State Grid, Telegram, etc., to achieve national coverage with more than 110,000 online charging stations.

Adhere to the aggregation model and fully open to the "master"

The construction of the Autonavi map integrated travel service platform requires not only the aggregation of all types of services to facilitate public travel, but also the aggregation of global enterprises to promote the integrated development of the transportation industry.

How the traditional transportation industry can play its strengths in the digital age is the key to promoting the integration of digital and real. Traditional transportation enterprises are like "old masters", with professional capabilities such as transportation organization, vehicle and driver management, and safety production. They are professional in the transportation industry, but they urgently need digital upgrades. Newcomers who are good at using new digital skills are like "new masters" representing new forces in travel.

Yu Yongfu believes that there are three ways to integrate data and reality in the transportation industry: new travel forces use new skills and become new masters; old masters invest a long time in self-learning new skills; the third is that old masters cooperate with enterprises with digital technology to quickly master new skills and form new combinations.

"A better choice for the integration of numbers and reality may be the third way. The old master partners with new skills, and the road to the integration of numbers and reality can go faster and farther," Yu Yongfu said.

Therefore, Autonavi Maps has listed the construction of an integrated travel service platform as the No. 1 project in 2023, adhering to the aggregation model, and opening up map navigation, technical services, and platform traffic capabilities for all types of transportation services and global enterprises.

As early as 2017, Autonavi pioneered an aggregation model in the shared mobility business, partnering with traditional transportation companies, cruise taxi companies, etc., to help them achieve digital upgrades and find new business growth points during the down cycle of the industry.

Autonavi data shows that under the aggregation mode, the ecological partners that provide ride-hailing services have experienced a compound growth rate of more than 100% in the past three years, and the peak order volume of more than 100 cooperative network ride-hailing platforms has exceeded 100,000.

"The success of an integrated travel service platform relies on deep aggregation, and the end result of aggregation must be an integrated travel service." Yu Yongfu mentioned that the integrated travel service platform deeply integrates multiple travel modes, providing users with a one-stop travel entrance, reducing travel thresholds, and at the same time allowing the ecosystem that provides travel services to deeply integrate and drive ecological win-win. This is the important significance of the aggregation model.

Aggregation model helps regional employment and economic development

The high-quality development of transportation requires the construction of a "safe, convenient, efficient, green and economical" transportation system. Through the aggregation model, the development direction of Autonavi has been in line with the development of the industry.

Under the guidance and support of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, public transportation groups, subway companies, and Autonavi Maps have participated in the joint construction of Beijing MaaS, becoming the first green travel integrated platform in China to provide "door-to-door" services.

Beijing MaaS is also the first in China to encourage users to travel green with carbon inclusion, and has reached the world’s first green travel carbon trading. As of now, the number of users participating in carbon inclusion on the Beijing MaaS Autonavi platform has exceeded 2.30 million. In 2022, the total carbon emission reduction of green travel on the Beijing MaaS Autonavi platform exceeded 200,000 tons, which is equivalent to the emission reduction of 100,000 fuel vehicles that have been suspended for one year. In addition, the second phase of carbon trading reached 97,600 tons, and all rights and interests were returned to the Beijing MaaS users participating in the green travel carbon inclusion.

The development of ecological partners in the aggregation model has also created new job opportunities and contributed to the economic development of various regions.

In Shenzhen, CCCC Travel, funded by the National Connecting Transport Alliance, has driven the digital transformation of road passenger transport enterprises. In August 2022, CCCC Travel orders increased by nearly 240% year-on-year, resulting in several new job opportunities.

In Beijing, Autonavi’s Beijing Taxi, a network integration platform in partnership with the Beijing Taxi Association, has helped drivers increase their income by 20% after going live for half a year.

In Jinan, in 2021, Timely Car will land its headquarters in Jinan to help the local headquarters develop economically. In order to provide large-scale online car-hailing services, Timely Car will purchase 20,000 new energy vehicles in 2022, bringing growth momentum to local automobile industry chain enterprises.

Similar stories of traditional travel companies leveraging digital technology to create win-win situations have emerged across the country. The aggregation model not only provides a catalyst for regional economic growth and creates new opportunities for regional employment, but also drives the industry into a positive cycle of service capacity upgrading.

According to the Hangzhou online car-hailing service quality evaluation organized by the Hangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau, in the fourth quarter of 2022, the top three online car-hailing platforms with average monthly orders 100,000 above are all ecological partners that provide taxi services in the aggregation ecosystem.

Original Hong Jinbao and Xiang Huaqiang are the boss of the port circle, why have they not interacted for 40 years, what is the grudge?

The two mountains of Hong Kong’s entertainment industry

Samuel Hung and Xiang Huaqiang respectively

Same as the boss of the entertainment industry

Why haven’t I seen each other for forty years?

What’s the grudge behind this?

It’s because of Bruce Lee

Or because of a dispute of interest?

Let’s take a look today to see what’s behind this grudge

This is 1949.

Samuel Hung was born into a film family

He is now 73 years old

His grandfather Hong Kee was a famous director at that time

Established a film company specializing in martial arts in Shanghai Tang

Grandma Qian Siying is known as the first generation of kung fu actress

The Hong family was at that time


In front of Samuel Hung, even Jackie Chan can only call himself his younger brother

He studied Peking Opera with Zhan Yuan since he was a child

Or Jackie Chan, Yuan Biao, Yuan Hua and other groups of children in the big brother

The whole school is going to flatter him

Samuel Hung later spent nearly a decade in the film industry

From a child star to a famous martial arts instructor


Hong Jinbao left his master Yu Zhanyuan

I went to the film industry to become a martial artist

At that time, in the martial arts circle of Hong Kong movies

Bruce Lee is undoubtedly an unsurpassed presence in the Chinese film industry

Samuel Hung also wants to join him



The first meeting between the two

It was a joke.

The first time I met Bruce Lee

Hong Jinbao said, I heard that you are very good at kung fu.

Who knew that this sentence was taken as a provocation by Bruce Lee

I thought that Hong Jinbao came to fight against him

Immediately kicked him directly in the face

With this kick

I didn’t expect to directly let Hong Jinbao regard Bruce Lee as an idol

In 1973, Bruce Lee died unexpectedly

He was injured in the home of his lover Ding Pei

Strangely enough

The ingredients of painkillers were tested on Bruce Lee’s body

And Ding Pei himself admitted that because Bruce Lee had a headache that day

That’s why he was put on painkillers

There is no way to directly prove this alone

Bruce Lee got hurt because of painkillers

There are rumors that

Samuel Hung believes that Bruce Lee’s injury must be related to Ding Pei

Threatening to avenge Bruce Lee

But because there is no evidence

So I haven’t been able to give Ding Pei anything.

But even more unexpected is

Shortly after Bruce Lee’s injury

Ding Pei and Xiang Huaqiang got married

It all seems too coincidental

Because Samuel Hung suspected it was Xiang Huaqiang’s idea

From then on, he became enmity with Xiang Huaqiang

Forty years of infighting

In the 1980s

This is the golden age of Hong Kong cinema

Xiang Huaqiang established Yongsheng Film Company

Yongsheng Film Company developed rapidly under the management of Xiang Huaqiang

It became a competitor with the movie studio giant Golden Harvest at the time

And as the first brother of Jiahe, Hong Jinbao

Soon began to go head-to-head with Xiang Huaqiang

From then on, the two were locked in a feud in the movie market

By the mid-1980s

Jiahe Company has Hung Jinbao, Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung

And Yongsheng has Wang Jing, Zhou Yunfa, Zhou Xingchi and Andy Lau

The two companies began to compete in the limited film market

Because of this competitive link between Golden Harvest and Yongsheng

As a result, for many years, Samuel Hung and Xiang Huaqiang have been in the film and television industry

But there was no interaction between the two

Not even a single photo has been taken yet.

What do you think about that?

Welcome to the comment area to leave a message for discussion.

See you next time.

Responsible editor:

Epidemic prevention and control boosts the new model of e-commerce, community group buying strides into people’s lives

  Draw your mobile phone, order what you need in the WeChat Mini Program, and you can get the goods at the head of the community the next day – community group buying is a new type of consumption model that has emerged in recent years. During this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, community group buying suddenly became popular, providing residents at home with daily necessities, especially fresh fruits and vegetables that are necessary for three meals a day. It has played a huge role in ensuring the normal life of residents during the epidemic prevention and control period, and has also been recognized by more and more people. How will community group buying develop in the future has become a topic of concern for people.

  Fresh fruits and vegetables become the main commodities of the "group"

  "My family’s daily necessities such as vegetables and fruits are basically solved by community group buying, and the monthly consumption exceeds 1,000 yuan," Ms. Liu, from Kaifu District in Changsha City, told reporters on April 22. "This kind of community group buying consumption model provides convenience for our working people, the price is relatively affordable, and the quality feels good."

  The merchant recruits the head of the community as a unit, the head of the group creates a group buying WeChat group, and the head of the group promotes group buying goods in the group. Consumers place an order in the WeChat Mini Program, and the merchant delivers it to the head of the community according to the order volume the next day. Consumers go to the head of the group to pick up the goods, thus completing a community group buying.

  Group buying platform on the sale of a dazzling array of goods, the reporter in the prosperity of the preferred platform to see, there are 24 categories, ten Hui group also has 14 categories, from fresh fruits and vegetables, food, beauty care to home appliances digital group, and even cleaning services, laundry services can be group, among which vegetables, fruits, snacks, fresh most popular.

  In the vicinity of Heyuan Community, Kaifu District, Changsha City, there are three group buying points, Xingsheng Preferred, Zhihua Zhiguo, and Shihui Group. There are two group buying groups in the mobile phone of Ms. Zhang, a resident of the community, "I joined two community group buying groups. Each group buying has a different time every day, and the types and prices of sales are different. So when I want to buy something, I will compare the supply of the two platforms before placing an order. There is one platform with better fruit quality, and the other platform has cheaper daily necessities." Ms. Zhang is very knowledgeable about group buying. She said that she has joined community group buying for more than two years. Now most of the daily necessities are solved by group buying, and the number of visits to supermarkets and vegetable markets is much less than before.

  On the morning of April 24, the reporter saw a truck full of fresh food at the Shihuituan pick-up point in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District. The delivery driver told the reporter that he was responsible for delivering more than ten points around the area, each time there were thousands of orders.

  The number of Zhihua Zhiguo group buying group in Heyuan Community has reached 492 people, and sometimes the head of the group also sells some local eggs, local chickens, Dongjiang fish and other local specialties. The head of the group buying is mainly middle-aged people, office workers.

  It is common for several group buying platforms to coexist in a community. Residents of Jinxiu Huatian, Kaifu District, Changsha City told reporters that before the Spring Festival, there was only one prosperous and preferred community. After the epidemic appeared, there are now 4 group buying platforms in the community. Every day, the 4 heads of delegation do their best to promote platform products in the group, which is very lively.

  In Changsha City, Chengbei Shuiying California Community, the head of the "A Preferred Little Talent" concurrently operates three platforms: Xingsheng Preferred, Koala Selection Mall, and Shihui Group, as well as Deyuan Baozi delivery. Every day at about 8:30 am, she will send the main product links of each platform in the WeChat group to notify the arrival and other information. During the epidemic prevention and control period, she also personally delivered the goods to her door. Ms. Zhou from the community told reporters that because it is far from the urban area and there are relatively few supermarkets, she is more willing to participate in community group buying. The content of the three group buying platforms is similar, all of which are fruits, vegetables, daily necessities, etc., and the prices are slightly different. The price of group buying vegetables and fruits is cheaper than the surrounding fruit shops and supermarkets, such as honeydew melon in Hainan, fruit shops sell for 6 yuan/catty, while the platform only 4 yuan/catty.

  Community group buying plays an important role during the epidemic

  "On the fifth day of the first lunar month, there were no vegetables at home. I went to the vegetable market and found that it was not open at all. I went to the nearby supermarket. The vegetable area that had always been dazzling in the past had no leaves. Just when I was at a loss, the owner of the commissary in the community pulled me into the Zhihua Zhiguo shopping platform. The next day, the dishes I bought arrived and felt fresh. Since then, as an office worker, I have been buying fresh fruits and vegetables on the platform every day, which feels very convenient." Recently, Ms. Liu from Yuhua District, Changsha City, told reporters how she became a loyal consumer of community group buying.

  The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted the normal life of the citizens, the semi-closed management of the community, and the vegetable market has also delayed the opening of the door. With the extension of the closure time, many residents have no food, and some e-commerce platforms are still delivering goods without interruption. Some community heads also responded positively to the opening of the group, alleviating the residents’ shopping problems.

  During the most serious period of the epidemic, the reporter found that community group buying was very popular. For example, on the Xingsheng Preferred platform, each single product is tens of thousands of pieces of vegetables, soy products and meat, which are often sold out within 15 minutes of opening the group at 0:00. Some other commodities that are in short supply during the epidemic, such as alcohol, disinfectant, yeast powder, etc., have been out of stock elsewhere, but they are still available on the platform from time to time. As popular products, they need to be snapped up quickly.

  Ms. Zhou of Heyuan Community said that recently, she has been guarding the two platforms of the community to open a group and stock up on some vegetables every day. It is because of community group buying that her family’s life has not been greatly affected during the epidemic.

  The frenzy of group buying has ruined the heads of the community. A head of the group surnamed Liu in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District, Changsha City, said that since the opening of the group on the sixth day of the new year, the number of group buying has soared, reaching more than four times the previous number. "During the epidemic, I am so busy that I often can’t eat lunch and dinner." A head of the group surnamed Zhang in Furong District also told reporters that as soon as the delivery truck arrived at 2 pm, in order to prevent the crowding of people taking goods, his family of four went into battle and put the goods in sub-units first.

  The person in charge of several large-scale group buying platforms in Changsha told reporters that during the COVID-19 epidemic, the sales volume of the platform ushered in explosive growth. For example, in Xingsheng Preferred, Changsha’s super 1 million active users placed orders on the platform, the average order volume increased by about 300%, and the number of new users increased by more than 4 times year-on-year. Fresh goods such as vegetables and fruits were basically sold out before noon.

  All platforms have tried to ensure delivery during the epidemic. The person in charge of Zhihua Zhiguo told reporters that during the epidemic, the platform also applied for resumption of work early. The first delivery began on February 6, and the growth of vegetables and meat was obvious. In order to ensure that a community with suspected cases can deliver goods, several shareholders also take turns to drive home deliveries. Xingsheng Preferred also took measures such as providing additional subsidies for distribution personnel and setting up incentives to encourage distribution personnel and heads of delegation.

  Healthy development requires facing existing problems

  The epidemic has made community group buying widely accepted by people, which is greatly conducive to the future development of this e-commerce model. However, the threshold for community group buying is not high, and many problems such as commodity quality and after-sales services are also exposed during the epidemic. Pay attention to and solve these problems, so that community group buying can better develop and better serve the masses.

  Group buying has a price advantage, but because you can’t see the real thing, sometimes you will buy troubles: the duck intestines you bought are covered with red spots, the tofu is sour, the vegetables are broken, the melons and fruits are cracked, and the fruit taste is very poor – consumers have a lot of complaints. The biggest difference with other online shopping products is that the fresh fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life, and the goods are particularly easy to break, which brings certain difficulties to after-sales. The sales process includes producers, group buying platforms, community heads, consumers and other links. The responsibilities of each link are not clear. Once there is a problem, mutual accusations and wrangling often occur. Some consumers because the price of goods is not high, defective products thrown away, did not go to complain, but if this happens often, it will definitely affect the group buying feeling.

  Delivery of goods is also often untimely, which occurs from time to time on various platforms. Sometimes a goods cannot be delivered for several days in a row, and fresh ingredients are not delivered in time, which brings extraordinary trouble and greatly reduces the satisfaction of the shopping experience.

  Platform in the selection of the community head, there is no threshold, some heads do not even have their own brick and mortar stores, the goods come, just like a stall in the community. A resident of Changsha Yuelu District complained that the community will be a long pile of vegetables, fruits and even meat on the ground, spring and winter season is OK, summer to do? Who is responsible for deterioration?

  How to protect rights if there is a problem with the goods bought by the group, lawyer Li Chunguang of Hunan Haitian Law Firm told reporters, "If the head of the group buys for free, as long as there is no major fault, it generally does not need to bear legal responsibility; if the purchasing fee is charged, if the purchasing behavior causes the buyer’s loss, it will be legally responsible. Citizens who encounter Sanwu products or quality problems must keep relevant evidence. If the after-sales service of the group buying products is not smooth and there is a dispute, they can use the WeChat chat records and payment records of the head of the group to complain to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, or they can request the Consumer Association to mediate or sue to the court."

  (Text/Tian Yan, Shi Xuehui)

Li Chengru on domestic comedy: do not recognize Zhou Xingchi’s nonsense, Xu Zheng’s embarrassing series is regrettable

When it comes to Li Chengru, everyone will always think of the sharp-tongued "upright boy" in "Actors Please Take Place". As an old actor in the entertainment industry and a great senior of young actors, he has many "textbook" performances that are talked about by the public.

When he evaluated the actor’s acting as "like pins and needles, like thorns on the back, like stuck in the throat", "like chewing wax, like chicken ribs", no one suspected that his evaluation was biased except that his words were too sharp and did not save face.

The fact is that as a senior actor who can complete three or four hundred words in one go, the requirements for performance are naturally high. In addition to Li Chengru’s newly launched"Play Confucian Life" personal video column is to convey to us more of his views on drama, film and television, acting.

The second episode of the program talked about a genre of drama that everyone is very interested in: comedy. As a major category of film and television dramas, the audience is also very wide. When it comes to domestic comedies, everyone must think of Hong Kong Stephen Chow or mainland Xu Zheng, "Kung Fu", "The Legend of Martial Arts", etc. In the program, Li Chengru did not shy away from saying"Wulin Gaiden" is just a replica of Hong Kong’s nonsense.There is also a lack of disapproval of the exaggeration and nonsense of Stephen Chow’s comedy-style mainstays.

Speaking of Xu Zheng’s embarrassing series a few years ago, it can be seen that he agrees with Xu Zheng’s talent, but he feels that a person’s talent will be repeated and similar. It is a pity, so there are no advanced domestic comedies? In fact, it is not the case. In more than ten minutes of comments, Li Chengru expressed his high approval of two comedies, one is "I Love My Home" and the other is "Crazy Stone".

"I Love My Home" is an indoor sitcom that premiered in 1993It has been 27 years since then, and this drama has adopted a realistic and natural and life-like comedy performance form. The background is reform and opening up, focusing on the daily life of an ordinary family in the 1990s. The plot is not dog blood, but uses real lines and natural performances to show down-to-earth trivialities and parents. It is also an absolutely advanced comedy now, and is even called by Li ChengruChamber dramas are out of print.

However, the program also mentions this type ofThe interior drama is not a domestic original, but imitates the more mature comedy form in the United States.(Similar to the soap opera "Bankrupt Sisters"), the post-90s dinner drama "Love Apartment" is also in a similar form.

"Crazy Stone" is a black comedy film released in 2006 and is still aThe boss of crime comedies, Director Ning Hao and Huang Bo are famous. This film has a lot of credit. The film adopts a closed-loop structure with multiple branches in parallel, which is short in time and complicated in events, but it is logical and reasonable. The whole film is shrouded in black humor, which is highly critical of realism. The release has achieved high praise. So far, many directors, including Ning Hao himself, have committed to surpassing it.

In the program, Li Chengru also talked about his very good impression of "Crazy Stone" at that time, but later found that the movie was alsoImported, missing some reality-based colors,He thought it was a sad thing.

The top comedy ideas are foreign, and the comedy movie TOP is not a domestic original comedy that deserves a nameDirector Xu Zheng is also fixed on his own "embarrassing" styleIt’s really sad for comedy.

Some people may argue that we don’t have sketches? In the program, Li Chengru also mentioned that this popular form of comedy is not actually a complete work, it is just a basic course for actors in all walks of life to train themselves. This showsThe gradual decline of domestic comedy is a reality, and it will take a long time for the comedy industry to break through the development obstacles.

Li Chengru bluntly said that among comedies, tragedies, and dramas, comedy is the hardest of all. After all, tragedies can have emotions brewing, while comedies are sudden, and any deliberate will appear very fake. By using the topic of tragedy and comedy, Li Chengru also corrected a misunderstanding that "whether a good crying scene can be performed is the standard that defines whether an actor’s acting is good or not", compared to "crying drama"To be able to act the "laugh scene" really, and to act with infectious power is the real strength.

The difficulty of comedy is to seek truth and image, to present the characters of the real dimension in the play, and to create funny jokes. It is not easy to achieve these two points, but it is indeed the road to success, such as "The Story of the Editorial Department" and "I Love My Home".

"The Life of a Scholar in Drama" tells the story of drama as life. The original intention of its establishment is "I can’t hold back my words, and I am willing to chat with everyone". In just ten minutes, people will gain a lot, and I look forward to more exciting content in the future.

Yang Mi’s new drama "Shake" has started filming, and it may bring out a popular actor in 2018

Yang Mi’s "Shake" setting photo

1905 movie network news Yang Mi as the heroine of "Shake" is now in full swing in Hengdian shooting, netizens eagerly looking forward to her another masterpiece, after all, she handed over a satisfactory work.

The TV drama "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" fully reflects the effect of Yang Mi, and the little fresh meat who played against Da Mimi also became new young actors with this drama. Da Mimi not only manages himself, but also his ability to create idols cannot be underestimated.

Zhang Binbin, who played the second prince of Departure in the TV series "Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles Peach Blossom", became popular because of "Pretty Li Huizhen" and "Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles Peach Blossom". Everyone likes this handsome and lovely big boy.

The affectionate Gao Weiguang, the man who played Emperor Donghua in "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles Peach Blossom", is also well known to the audience because of his role.

Liu Ruilin, who plays the role of the sixteenth junior brother, is slender, young and handsome. He has attracted attention for his role as a well-off character in TV dramas. Since the broadcast of "Three Lives and Three Worlds", he has attracted many fans.

After "Three Lives", Yang Mi’s another masterpiece "Shake" came rushing, who will play with Da Mimi? Who will become a popular actor in 2018?

Gao Weiguang has attracted much attention because of his role as Donghua Emperor in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom". This time, he will challenge the scenes of the Heavenly Fiend and the Great Han Emperor in "Shake". The flood dragon is trapped in the wild, but for a while, but there is an opportunity, and it will definitely rise. Whether Gao Weiguang can transform into an iron-blooded man and fight in Beiye is still worth fans’ expectation.

Lai Yi, who is also the "Mi Family Army Regiment", plays the role of "Poisonous Tongue Medical Saint" Zong Yue in the TV series "Fuyao" this time. Zong Yue is a clean-hearted medical saint who helps the world by day, and a top-level cold-blooded killer in black at night, Dark Charm, but he has been silently guarding Fuyao.

Another very outstanding character was Zhan Nancheng, who was the Emperor of Heaven, Zhan Beiye’s older brother, who loved Zhan Beiye’s mother and was later killed by Fuyao. Zhang Yicong, who played Zhan Nancheng, although he was only 25 years old, he played a very mature role. But looking at his resume, it is no wonder that he can control such a role.

Zhang Yicong graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy with an 11th-grade undergraduate degree. After graduation, he was admitted to the National Theater as a working actor. He has starred in many National Theater plays such as "Beijing Fayuan Temple" and "Up, Down". From the stage to the big screen, Zhang Yicong is relaxed. In addition, he also participated in the movie "Snow Storm" starring Ni Ni, Liao Fan and others.

Dramatic tension and young faces have a full chemical reaction. Will the TV series "Shake" be another popular drama after Yang Mi’s "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom"? Who do you like to become a popular actor in 2018?

Test drive the Great Wall "off-road gun". Is this the off-road pickup you want?

  When you drive an off-road vehicle armed to the teeth and confidently go to Kuqi, Laozhanggou, Hunshandake and Helan Mountain, I guess what you are most afraid of is not the harsh natural environment, but the police uncles at large and small checkpoints. Because all they need is a word, your heavily armed off-road vehicle will soon be restored to its original factory."streaking" state.

  The appearance of the Great Wall Gun Off-road pickup truck can avoid your worries in this respect, because it has been equipped with hard-core configurations such as winch, wading hose, front and rear hard bars and three locks in the original factory, which not only has good off-road performance, but also makes the police uncle unable to pick out any faults. You can calmly go to your destination through various checkpoints, large and small.

  Compared with the passenger version we have tested before, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck has a hotter body color scheme, and the fiery red body painting is particularly dazzling against the Alashan yellow sand.

  Anti-roll frame, shield design engine cabin cover, rough black matte mesh, exposed rivets embedded above black wheel eyebrows, all details of the design exude tough guy hormones, even at the scene of heroes gathering in various exaggerated and alternative modified cars, the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is enough to attract attention.

  Unlike many off-road vehicles, which are like straight men, the Great Wall Gun is more like a warm man who cares for you, because its performance in comfort and many technologies and entertainment configurations are very rich.

  First of all, compared with the pickup truck of the same level or even higher, the rear suspension of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck adopts a multi-link structure, which can not only improve the comfort of the vehicle when driving on the paved road, but also greatly reduce the vibration and restless beating of the vehicle when driving on the paved road, so that the drivers and passengers in the car can always get a more comfortable ride experience.

  The seats in the car and the accessible parts of the body are also wrapped with a lot of leather materials, which greatly improves the ride comfort. The red and black interior design also adds a touch of fashion to the vehicle.

  In terms of configuration, the performance of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is also very kind.7-inch color screen instrument cluster, 9-inch color LCD screen and rich car networking functions are not only completely ahead of pickup trucks of the same class, but also not inferior to passenger cars of the same price. In addition, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is equipped with advanced L2-level automatic driving technology, with intelligent driving functions such as ESP, semi-automatic parking radar, lane departure, lane keeping and ACC adaptive cruise.

  For off-road people, the most concerned is obviously the performance of the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun. The biggest difference between the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun and the ordinary passenger version is that it has an extremely powerful off-road configuration.The keywords "three locks, tank turning around and crawling mode" are enough to make cross-country people secrete a lot of dopamine.

  This set of two-speed pickup truck with Great Wall Gun.TOD intelligent four-wheel drive system with front and rear axles with locking mechanism. In actual driving, when encountering road conditions such as cross shafts and bullet holes, the speed of system intervention is satisfactory, and because it has seven driving modes including snow, mud and sand, more intelligent settings can help drivers get out of trouble more easily, which is also a very friendly configuration for novices.

  In addition, when the vehicle speed is lower than15km/h, when the rear axle differential is in the open state, the steering radius can be reduced by braking the inner wheel through the electronic system. This function called "tank turning around" is believed to be familiar to everyone, which can really help drivers to pass through narrow road sections more smoothly when SUVs and pickups with large sizes encounter narrow road conditions.

  In terms of power, the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is equipped.The 2.0T turbocharged engine is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission from ZF. The maximum power of the engine is 140kW and the peak torque is 360 N m.. When driving on paved roads, the performance of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is almost the same as that of the passenger version, which can provide a very comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.

  When driving in the desert, a good power reserve can provide enough confidence for the driver, and because the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is equipped with shift paddles, the shift speed is also satisfactory in actual driving, and the faster shift response speed can ensure the continuous power output of the engine, making the vehicle travel more smoothly in the desert.

  The great wall gun off-road pickup truck not only has the coveted off-road people."Three locks, crawling mode, tank turning around", and rich modified accessories can be provided in the original factory state, which can make your off-road journey more assured, even if you are questioned by the police uncle, you can take your time. In addition, rich technology configuration, entertainment configuration, comfortable configuration and good power performance make it capable of more roles.

  Then the question is coming. Is the Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup a big toy you want?

  This article is from "The More Cross-country Play"

Office workers like it, and its appearance is fashionable and its performance is good. BYD Qin PLUS EV has 129,700 cases nationwide.

Many consumers think that the cost of buying a car plus the cost of maintaining a car every year is really a lot of money, but now taxi software is so popular that it is convenient and cheap to take a car, so it is not practical to buy a car. However, in bad weather such as cold or hot, carrying a heavy shopping bag or dragging a huge suitcase, or when the driver is in an emergency, he will feel the pain of waiting. Although cars are consumables, and even the rate of preservation is not high, there is no denying that owning a car of your own can really bring great convenience to life, such as going to go on road trip.

Today, we will take a look at the new car BYD Qin PLUS EV, including its design, rough interior, high and low performance, etc. Presumably, small owners have dived into major forums and dug numerous evaluation videos, so there is no need to go into details in small series. Now, our focus is on the transaction price, discount, sales volume, value preservation and other aspects of Qin PLUS EV, helping small owners who are basically targeting and waiting for the right time to start to judge whether BYD Qin PLUS EV is worth winning more comprehensively.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin PLUS EV’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.79 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 17,900 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 129,700 yuan. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The picture below shows the sales data of BYD Qin PLUS EV. The national sales volume in the last month was 410 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at the word-of-mouth score of BYD Qin PLUS EV. The comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS EV is 4.72, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin PLUS EV can be considered.

After watching it for a while, it turns out that BYD Qin PLUS EV is not your dish? Let’s take a look at its powerful competitors. At present, there are basically good discounts on this site. Among them, the discounts for Beijing EU5 and Emgrand EV are 8.7 and 8.6 respectively, which is quite suitable. Take a quick look and choose!

If the price of Qin PLUS EV is right in the near future, then friends will hurry up! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

Extreme krypton brand story

ZEEKR, a trendy technology brand, takes "creating the ultimate experience of travel life" as its mission and upholds the core values of "equality, pluralism and sustainability".

Interpretation of brand name

Extreme krypton

Extreme: uncompromising about the ultimate performance of products and the ultimate experience of users.

Krypton: a rare gas that glows when electrified, a scientific and technological symbol in the intelligent age.


Ze: for zero, starting from zero, is the starting point and the end point of infinite possibilities.

E: electrical -Evolution -Era, the continuous evolution of the electric age.

Kr: for krypton, chemical element Kr, rare gas that glows when electrified, and scientific and technological symbol in the intelligent age.

Brand values

Krypton upholds the core values of equality, pluralism and sustainability.

On April 15th, 2021, the Krypton brand was released in China Hangzhou Bay Krypton Smart Factory.

On June 30, 2021, the APP was launched.

On August 27th, 2021, in Hangzhou, China, Krypton Auto and five eco-partners, including Intel Capital, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Bili Bili, Hongshang Group and Boyu Investment, formally signed a strategic investment agreement. The co-creation investment was led by Intel Capital Strategy, and the total investment of five eco-partners was 500 million US dollars.

On August 28, 2021, Kaicheng was launched, and the first stop landed in Chengdu.

On August 29th, 2021, the krypton energy-replenishing ecology was unveiled at the Chengdu Auto Show in China.

On September 5th, 2021, the first krypton center in China was officially opened in Hangzhou, China.

On September 28th, 2021, the Krypton Charging Station and Overcharging Station were officially completed in Hangzhou, China.

On October 19th, 2021, the ZEEKR001 production model was rolled off the assembly line in China Hangzhou Bay factory.

On October 23, 2021, ZEEKR001 started mass delivery. By October 31st, 2021, a total of 199 extreme krypton production model ZEEKR001 were delivered in the first week.

On November 9, 2021, the official of Extreme Krypton Automobile announced that the installation service of Extreme Energy Home Charging has been delivered nationwide.

On November 19th, 2021, ZEEKRCare customer service brand was released at Guangzhou Auto Show in China.

On December 29, 2021, Geely Holding Group announced that it had reached a cooperation with Waymo, a driverless technology company: its intelligent electric brand Kyk will provide exclusive vehicles for the WaymoOne driverless team and put it into commercial operation in the United States. This model is based on the extremely intelligent travel platform — — The vast -M(SEA-M) architecture is designed and developed by the Krypton European Innovation Center (CEVT).

As of March 17, 2022, the self-built charging station of Krypton Energy has been launched in 20 cities across the country. The online cities include: Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Ningbo, Changsha, Xi ‘an, Chongqing, Huzhou, Wuxi, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Foshan, Changzhou and Zhuzhou.

The CEO of Extreme Smart Technology said in an interview with Xinhua Auto Media: "The profound industrial base and global superior resources accumulated by Geely Holding in the past 35 years have fully empowered the extreme accumulation and given it the courage and confidence to change."

Gothenburg, where CEVT (Central European Automotive Technology Center) is located, has gathered more than 2,000 automotive engineers from more than 20 countries. CEVT meets the diversified needs of the global market through continuous innovation in modular development, virtual engineering and software system development.

Hangzhou Bay, a krypton smart factory, is located in Zhejiang, China.

core technology

SEA vast architecture

SEA vast intelligent evolution experience architecture, with hardware layer, system layer and ecological layer, constructs a trinity three-dimensional layout.

SEA’s vast architecture has achieved full-size coverage from A-class cars to E-class cars, which can meet all modeling needs of cars, SUVs, MPVs, small city cars, sports cars, pickup trucks and future travel vehicles.

At the same time, SEA’s vast architecture redefines the development cycle of software cars, shortening the software development time by more than 50%.



Relying on professional team, self-developed technology, partners and intelligent operation, ZEEKRPower can build an energy-replenishing ecology and experience from three dimensions: family, city and service, and provide users with all-round energy solutions. Committed to exploring new technologies, new services and new experiences, realizing full-scene, full-ecological and full-life cycle energy management, and solving the pain points of users’ full-scene charging experience with ecological services.


Zeekcare is based on the application of intelligent, digital and humanized technology. Zeekcare will effectively solve the service pain of pure electric travel and realize the accurate access to "intelligent, efficient and exclusive" services.

Won the top ten selected new energy vehicles in 2021.

Won the 2021ZAKER Intelligent Enterprise of the Year — — Extreme krypton smart factory.

In 2022, the CES show was listed, and Mobileye, a subsidiary of Intel, announced that it would continue to cooperate with Geely Extreme Krypton Automobile. The two parties will release the world’s first L4-class self-driving car in 2024.

On February 18th, 2022, the global flagship store of Krypton Center officially opened, located in the famous landmark Shanghai Tower.

In March 2022, the official position of Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a statement saying that the company noticed that a blogger "Xiao Hu Che" recently released a series of videos on the Internet platform, which made malicious negative reports on the "Extreme Krypton" brand. He said that the blogger’s behavior caused serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the company and the reputation of the owner. The "Little Nonsense Car" is required to remove the video clips of relevant issues within three days after the issuance of this statement, and take the initiative to clarify the cause of the matter in all channels and platforms where relevant video clips are released, and publicly apologize to the owner and the company.


The original "subject three" dance edge? When I took my children to dinner, my parents threatened to kill Miss Sister.

Original title: "Subject III" Dance Edge? When I took my children to dinner, my parents threatened to kill Miss Sister.

As we all know, the "subject three" dance in Haidilao is quite popular recently. But something worrying happened. According to media reports, a netizen posted a post on the 19th floor of the local forum in Hangzhou to spit out the dance of "Subject 3". I went to Haidilao for dinner with my family, and I was disgusted by the noisy music and the twisted and earthy dance.

To a certain extent, the BGM "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" dedicated to the dance of "Subject III" is indeed one after another, but it is not noisy, so different people have different opinions. As for the "subject three" dance, I really want to say that the earthy taste is not completely right, because the earthy taste is not earthy, and the key depends on whether the dancer dances well.

In fact, the reason why it is called "subject three" is really not a dirty partial solution of "driving on the road", but "subject three" dance refers to a professional subject in dance competitions, focusing on examining the dancers’ dance skills and performance ability. Of course, putting it on Miss Haidilao naturally means rhythm and expressiveness.

As for the fusion dance skills, unless the younger sister of Haidilao is professionally trained, most of them are mixed modern dance, ballet, folk dance and even street dance. In this way, if someone doesn’t know how to dance, they will show their figure on the edge. So I began to feel sick and uncomfortable. Either "reporting" or "online".

This emphasis does not mean that everyone likes the "subject three" dance, but that parents can dislike it or even hate it, but don’t sacrifice the banner of "being afraid of misleading children" at every turn and hit the young lady with a moral bludgeon. It is no exaggeration to say that compared with the "bad influence" of the "subject three" dance on children, parents’ edge judgment may have a worse influence on children.

You know, in recent years, there are always some parents who are keen on moral threats, especially putting aside the premise of "being afraid of misleading children" as if everything had to be compromised. To give a simple example, children are addicted to playing mobile phones, which was originally caused by parents’ neglect of teaching and guidance, but some parents don’t find their own problems, insisting that the era without mobile phones is good.

In short, some logic seems to make sense, but if we really want to scrutinize it carefully, we always feel that they don’t deserve modern civilization. Because they can’t even tell personal preferences from right and wrong. In other words, as long as you don’t like it, you feel that it shouldn’t exist in this world, and it doesn’t matter whether others like it or not.

The most typical statement is: "Why is this kind of thing so hot?" The implication is that I don’t think there will be fire, but what I face is fire, so I began to suspect that there is a problem in the world, not my own cognition. The most important thing is that the doubt is not over yet, and someone has to pierce the sky. Do you want an explanation?

So formally engage in "reporting" and amateur "online". In short, it is necessary to use the energy with more voice to find ways to make the world listen to itself. To be fair, this was ridiculous. But because the narrative of "fear of misleading children" is very powerful, absurdity can really form an established fact.

For example, if the topic "It is very uncomfortable for parents to take their baby to Haidilao to see subject three" is replaced by "It is very uncomfortable for women to vomit to go to Haidilao to see subject three" or "It is very uncomfortable for men to vomit to go to Haidilao to see subject three", it is estimated that the thick sputum in the comment area will drown the parties. However, if we look closely at the comments under the topic "Parents spit out and take their baby to Haidilao to see that subject three is very uncomfortable", we will find that there are quite a few comments supporting the parties.

What do you mean? Although all the parties feel that the "subject three" dance has been brushed aside, it is really different to take a child or not. Even if the child has no position on the "subject three" dance. In addition, it is necessary to be clear about the fact that even if children don’t watch the "subject three" dance in Haidilao, it is inevitable to brush it in short videos.

Moreover, in terms of "rubbing the edges", the young lady in the short video can twist than the young lady in Haidilao. After all, the little sister in the short video is online celebrity, and the little sister in Haidilao is a waiter. Therefore, if you really want to completely avoid the "subject three" dance, it is estimated that this parent will not be able to go to Haidilao for dinner, and it is estimated that he will have to replace his mobile phone with an elderly one, preferably one that cannot access the Internet.

But the question is, do parents do this, and do children listen? So again, if you can’t understand the appearance and changes of the world, learn more and try to understand. If you can’t understand after studying, you’d better live in your own world. Otherwise, it is either hurt by the world or hurt the world.

Editor in charge:

Chery Tiggo 8 PRO’s listed technology is "full" and its performance is "awesome"

On May 18th, PRO was officially launched, and nine models with 1.6TGDI and 2.0TGDI were launched, with the price range of 126,900-171,900 yuan.

Tiggo 8 PRO products are positioned as "the flagship of global power technology"-technology and power are the core competitiveness of this car. In terms of science and technology, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with a new generation of "Lion 5.0 AI Technology Smart Cockpit", including 6 modules including the AI Emotional Super Interactive System and over 15 emotion recognition interactive functions, which can not only monitor the driver’s safe driving and take the initiative to care for him, but also support multi-mode voice, no wake-up and intelligent car control.

Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the first W-HUD interstellar flying head-up display function, which can display various functions such as speed, dynamic ADAS, navigation, telephone and so on, so that users can display the required vehicle information just by looking straight ahead.

In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with Kunpeng Power 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines, both of which have won the China Heart Top Ten Engine Award. The 2.0TGDI engine has a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390N·m, which also accelerates the 100 km of the Tiggo 8 PRO into the 7-second range.

It is worth mentioning that the Tiggo 8 PRO is also equipped with the "CHERY AWD" full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system built by ZF, which provides six full-scene road modes including economy, ordinary, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can easily adapt to more scenes and make users’ travel more interesting.

It is reported that in addition to the fuel-powered version, the future Tiggo 8 PRO will also have a hybrid version equipped with Kunpeng DHT. With the core technical advantages of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds", it will bring users a more economical, worry-free and enjoyable car experience. Among them, "3 engines" refers to three power sources consisting of a 1.5T hybrid engine and dual motors, which can simultaneously drive the dual motors and generate electricity. With three physical gears, the technical strength covering 11 kinds of all-vehicle scenes ensures efficient power output, and at the same time, it can cope with more working conditions and balance power and fuel consumption.

At present, the Tiggo 8 has become a successful "big single product" model under the brand, with sales exceeding 50,000 vehicles in the first four months of this year. Just last month, the 500,000 th Tiggo 8 was officially rolled off the assembly line, and its ability to continue selling well can be seen. With higher-tech configuration and stronger performance, Tiggo 8 PRO will certainly attract more Z-generation young consumers.