Zhang Xinghai, Chairperson (Founder) of Cyrus Group: Chongqing has taken a favorable position on the new energy vehicle track

Zhang Xinghai, Chairperson (Founder) of Cyrus Group: Chongqing has taken a favorable position on the new energy vehicle track

Character business card:

Zhang Xinghai, chairperson (founder) of the joint stock company of Sailis Group. Zhang Xinghai led the company to start from a spring, develop to a shock absorber, a motorcycle, a car, and then produce the current industry-leading high-end smart electric vehicles. At present, he is leading the group from the production of traditional fuel vehicles to the production of intelligent networked new energy vehicles, and from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.

In the future, Cyrus Automobile will use its leading intellectual manufacturing strength and excellent intelligent electric technology to redefine high-end intelligent electric vehicles and win the commanding heights of the market.

In 2023, Chongqing’s automobile output reached 2.318 million, ranking second in the country, of which the output of new energy vehicles exceeded 500,000. In this regard, Zhang Xinghai believes that Chongqing’s new energy vehicles have gradually realized the transformation and upgrading of brand value from micro to giant, product network from existing to specialized, and market radiation from near to far. It can be said that Chongqing occupies a favorable position on the new energy vehicle track.

"As one of the representative brands of Chongqing Automobile, Cyrus has also contributed its own strength to the development of Chongqing’s automobile industry." Zhang Xinghai introduced that in 2023, Cyrus Automobile will closely follow the goal of Chongqing’s "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, vigorously develop intelligent networked new energy vehicles, strengthen high-quality products and technologies, and show a scale growth rate that exceeds the industry average. In May last year, the 100,000 car of Cyrus AITO Q & A series rolled off the production line, becoming the fastest new energy vehicle brand to achieve this goal.

Zhang Xinghai said that in the future, Sailis Automobile will use its leading intelligent manufacturing strength and excellent intelligent electric technology to redefine high-end intelligent electric vehicles and win the commanding heights of the market.

On February 5th, the Cyrus Auto Super Factory was officially completed and put into use. This factory is built in accordance with international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements, and has four characteristics of efficiency, intelligence, cutting-edge and green. It is not only the benchmark of Cyrus and Chongqing, but also the benchmark factory in the world.

In 2024, Sailis Automobile will adhere to the needs of users as the direction of efforts, and cover the whole life cycle of services for users. At the same time, Sailis Automobile will strengthen core technology research, help to build a western benchmark that leads the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, ensure high-quality mass delivery, strengthen cooperation with Huawei, Bosch, Ningde Times and other enterprises, and launch leading-generation products for the market; increase export market development efforts, and strive to reach more than 500,000 new energy vehicles; increase the local matching rate to 60%, Sichuan and Chongqing matching rate to 75%, helping Chongqing build a trillion-level intelligent networked new energy vehicle industrial cluster.

Zhang Xinghai said that Sailis Automobile will anchor the "software-defined car, wholeheartedly serve users" tenet unswervingly, adhere to the positioning of "doing one line into one line, doing one car into one popular car", constantly strengthen the enterprise, lead the industry, stimulate employment, and benefit the development results of the modern new Chongqing construction.

(New Chongqing-Chongqing Daily Chief Reporter, Yang Jun)

Epidemic prevention and control boosts the new model of e-commerce, community group buying strides into people’s lives

  Draw your mobile phone, order what you need in the WeChat Mini Program, and you can get the goods at the head of the community the next day – community group buying is a new type of consumption model that has emerged in recent years. During this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, community group buying suddenly became popular, providing residents at home with daily necessities, especially fresh fruits and vegetables that are necessary for three meals a day. It has played a huge role in ensuring the normal life of residents during the epidemic prevention and control period, and has also been recognized by more and more people. How will community group buying develop in the future has become a topic of concern for people.

  Fresh fruits and vegetables become the main commodities of the "group"

  "My family’s daily necessities such as vegetables and fruits are basically solved by community group buying, and the monthly consumption exceeds 1,000 yuan," Ms. Liu, from Kaifu District in Changsha City, told reporters on April 22. "This kind of community group buying consumption model provides convenience for our working people, the price is relatively affordable, and the quality feels good."

  The merchant recruits the head of the community as a unit, the head of the group creates a group buying WeChat group, and the head of the group promotes group buying goods in the group. Consumers place an order in the WeChat Mini Program, and the merchant delivers it to the head of the community according to the order volume the next day. Consumers go to the head of the group to pick up the goods, thus completing a community group buying.

  Group buying platform on the sale of a dazzling array of goods, the reporter in the prosperity of the preferred platform to see, there are 24 categories, ten Hui group also has 14 categories, from fresh fruits and vegetables, food, beauty care to home appliances digital group, and even cleaning services, laundry services can be group, among which vegetables, fruits, snacks, fresh most popular.

  In the vicinity of Heyuan Community, Kaifu District, Changsha City, there are three group buying points, Xingsheng Preferred, Zhihua Zhiguo, and Shihui Group. There are two group buying groups in the mobile phone of Ms. Zhang, a resident of the community, "I joined two community group buying groups. Each group buying has a different time every day, and the types and prices of sales are different. So when I want to buy something, I will compare the supply of the two platforms before placing an order. There is one platform with better fruit quality, and the other platform has cheaper daily necessities." Ms. Zhang is very knowledgeable about group buying. She said that she has joined community group buying for more than two years. Now most of the daily necessities are solved by group buying, and the number of visits to supermarkets and vegetable markets is much less than before.

  On the morning of April 24, the reporter saw a truck full of fresh food at the Shihuituan pick-up point in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District. The delivery driver told the reporter that he was responsible for delivering more than ten points around the area, each time there were thousands of orders.

  The number of Zhihua Zhiguo group buying group in Heyuan Community has reached 492 people, and sometimes the head of the group also sells some local eggs, local chickens, Dongjiang fish and other local specialties. The head of the group buying is mainly middle-aged people, office workers.

  It is common for several group buying platforms to coexist in a community. Residents of Jinxiu Huatian, Kaifu District, Changsha City told reporters that before the Spring Festival, there was only one prosperous and preferred community. After the epidemic appeared, there are now 4 group buying platforms in the community. Every day, the 4 heads of delegation do their best to promote platform products in the group, which is very lively.

  In Changsha City, Chengbei Shuiying California Community, the head of the "A Preferred Little Talent" concurrently operates three platforms: Xingsheng Preferred, Koala Selection Mall, and Shihui Group, as well as Deyuan Baozi delivery. Every day at about 8:30 am, she will send the main product links of each platform in the WeChat group to notify the arrival and other information. During the epidemic prevention and control period, she also personally delivered the goods to her door. Ms. Zhou from the community told reporters that because it is far from the urban area and there are relatively few supermarkets, she is more willing to participate in community group buying. The content of the three group buying platforms is similar, all of which are fruits, vegetables, daily necessities, etc., and the prices are slightly different. The price of group buying vegetables and fruits is cheaper than the surrounding fruit shops and supermarkets, such as honeydew melon in Hainan, fruit shops sell for 6 yuan/catty, while the platform only 4 yuan/catty.

  Community group buying plays an important role during the epidemic

  "On the fifth day of the first lunar month, there were no vegetables at home. I went to the vegetable market and found that it was not open at all. I went to the nearby supermarket. The vegetable area that had always been dazzling in the past had no leaves. Just when I was at a loss, the owner of the commissary in the community pulled me into the Zhihua Zhiguo shopping platform. The next day, the dishes I bought arrived and felt fresh. Since then, as an office worker, I have been buying fresh fruits and vegetables on the platform every day, which feels very convenient." Recently, Ms. Liu from Yuhua District, Changsha City, told reporters how she became a loyal consumer of community group buying.

  The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted the normal life of the citizens, the semi-closed management of the community, and the vegetable market has also delayed the opening of the door. With the extension of the closure time, many residents have no food, and some e-commerce platforms are still delivering goods without interruption. Some community heads also responded positively to the opening of the group, alleviating the residents’ shopping problems.

  During the most serious period of the epidemic, the reporter found that community group buying was very popular. For example, on the Xingsheng Preferred platform, each single product is tens of thousands of pieces of vegetables, soy products and meat, which are often sold out within 15 minutes of opening the group at 0:00. Some other commodities that are in short supply during the epidemic, such as alcohol, disinfectant, yeast powder, etc., have been out of stock elsewhere, but they are still available on the platform from time to time. As popular products, they need to be snapped up quickly.

  Ms. Zhou of Heyuan Community said that recently, she has been guarding the two platforms of the community to open a group and stock up on some vegetables every day. It is because of community group buying that her family’s life has not been greatly affected during the epidemic.

  The frenzy of group buying has ruined the heads of the community. A head of the group surnamed Liu in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District, Changsha City, said that since the opening of the group on the sixth day of the new year, the number of group buying has soared, reaching more than four times the previous number. "During the epidemic, I am so busy that I often can’t eat lunch and dinner." A head of the group surnamed Zhang in Furong District also told reporters that as soon as the delivery truck arrived at 2 pm, in order to prevent the crowding of people taking goods, his family of four went into battle and put the goods in sub-units first.

  The person in charge of several large-scale group buying platforms in Changsha told reporters that during the COVID-19 epidemic, the sales volume of the platform ushered in explosive growth. For example, in Xingsheng Preferred, Changsha’s super 1 million active users placed orders on the platform, the average order volume increased by about 300%, and the number of new users increased by more than 4 times year-on-year. Fresh goods such as vegetables and fruits were basically sold out before noon.

  All platforms have tried to ensure delivery during the epidemic. The person in charge of Zhihua Zhiguo told reporters that during the epidemic, the platform also applied for resumption of work early. The first delivery began on February 6, and the growth of vegetables and meat was obvious. In order to ensure that a community with suspected cases can deliver goods, several shareholders also take turns to drive home deliveries. Xingsheng Preferred also took measures such as providing additional subsidies for distribution personnel and setting up incentives to encourage distribution personnel and heads of delegation.

  Healthy development requires facing existing problems

  The epidemic has made community group buying widely accepted by people, which is greatly conducive to the future development of this e-commerce model. However, the threshold for community group buying is not high, and many problems such as commodity quality and after-sales services are also exposed during the epidemic. Pay attention to and solve these problems, so that community group buying can better develop and better serve the masses.

  Group buying has a price advantage, but because you can’t see the real thing, sometimes you will buy troubles: the duck intestines you bought are covered with red spots, the tofu is sour, the vegetables are broken, the melons and fruits are cracked, and the fruit taste is very poor – consumers have a lot of complaints. The biggest difference with other online shopping products is that the fresh fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life, and the goods are particularly easy to break, which brings certain difficulties to after-sales. The sales process includes producers, group buying platforms, community heads, consumers and other links. The responsibilities of each link are not clear. Once there is a problem, mutual accusations and wrangling often occur. Some consumers because the price of goods is not high, defective products thrown away, did not go to complain, but if this happens often, it will definitely affect the group buying feeling.

  Delivery of goods is also often untimely, which occurs from time to time on various platforms. Sometimes a goods cannot be delivered for several days in a row, and fresh ingredients are not delivered in time, which brings extraordinary trouble and greatly reduces the satisfaction of the shopping experience.

  Platform in the selection of the community head, there is no threshold, some heads do not even have their own brick and mortar stores, the goods come, just like a stall in the community. A resident of Changsha Yuelu District complained that the community will be a long pile of vegetables, fruits and even meat on the ground, spring and winter season is OK, summer to do? Who is responsible for deterioration?

  How to protect rights if there is a problem with the goods bought by the group, lawyer Li Chunguang of Hunan Haitian Law Firm told reporters, "If the head of the group buys for free, as long as there is no major fault, it generally does not need to bear legal responsibility; if the purchasing fee is charged, if the purchasing behavior causes the buyer’s loss, it will be legally responsible. Citizens who encounter Sanwu products or quality problems must keep relevant evidence. If the after-sales service of the group buying products is not smooth and there is a dispute, they can use the WeChat chat records and payment records of the head of the group to complain to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, or they can request the Consumer Association to mediate or sue to the court."

  (Text/Tian Yan, Shi Xuehui)

Ren Xianqi: Don’t call me a good man!

  Benefactor: The little bug is an eternal master

  From 1990 to 1997, Ren Xianqi experienced an embarrassing life for more than seven years. Because of the famous musician Bug’s discerning eyes, Ren Xianqi sang the masterpiece "Too Soft Heart", which is still a classic. Although he became the king of the music world in the future, Ren Xianqi has always been grateful to his benefactor Bug.

  T: When your career is booming, you must be filled with emotion when you recall the twists and turns of your debut.

  R: When I first became famous, I didn’t feel a lot of emotion, I just felt light, many people liked me, loved me, and got carried away. I didn’t realize it at the time. Fortunately, someone reminded me, and then I went home and thought about it slowly, and found that I couldn’t be proud just because I was popular. I should cherish every opportunity and continue to work hard. In fact, looking back, when I first entered the entertainment industry, the work I did that had nothing to do with music was also a kind of tempering for me personally.

  T: Teacher Bug discovered and trained you back then. What do you think he saw in you?

  R: To be honest, I wouldn’t be where I am today without Mr. Bug, so I really thank him. As for what he likes about me, you can ask him. Personally, I think I have worked hard enough and been obedient enough.

  T: I heard that Mr. Bug was in financial difficulties a few days ago, and you helped him get through it.

  R: I don’t think I need to remember this. I will only remember him as my eternal master.

  Movie: Another Interpretation of Johnnie To

  Thick eyebrows, single eyelids, and a sunny smile made Ren Xianqi the perfect choice for the "good man" on the screen. But Johnnie To unearthed another side of Ren Xianqi – the villain who constantly competed with the protagonist’s intellectual power in "Big Event", making people realize that he also has a "murderous" side.

  T: In recent years, there have been many film works, but most of them have collaborated with Hong Kong directors. Why?

  R: I also want to ask why other directors don’t come to me! Haha! Maybe I have been working with Hong Kong directors since the beginning, so everyone forgot that I can speak Mandarin, and by the way, I can also speak English.

  T: The "Gunslinger" in "Release" is very cool. Did you deliberately transform it?

  R: In the previous "Big Event", I was also a villain. I actually liked making gunfight movies, maybe because I used to play some "good man" roles, but I was afraid that everyone would call me a good man in real life, and it would be very stressful.

  T: After acting in movies for so many years, there don’t seem to be many representative works. Do you want to be the best actor?

  R: I also have some masterpieces, and those who don’t necessarily win awards are masterpieces. I’m always being recognized, otherwise directors wouldn’t keep asking me to film. Of course I want to be the best actor, and I will continue to work hard.

  It’s easier to be a bad guy.

  Ren Xianqi is recognized as a "new good man" in and out of the play, but he himself keeps calling: "Don’t call me a’good man ‘anymore!"

  T: Why don’t you like being called the "new good man"?

  R: Well, it’s all because of the movie. Because I’ve played a few good men, people think I’m the same, but I’m really not that good! With the title of "the new good man", I can’t make any mistakes, so it’s very stressful. If you think about it, if a good person accidentally does something wrong one day, everyone will say, "Ah, so he is such a person!" On the other hand, if someone has always been considered a bad person and he helps a blind person cross the street, everyone will say, "So he’s not that bad!" So, it should be easier to be a bad person!

  T: Are you a good man or should you speak with facts? For example, if a new baby is added this year, will you take the time to spend more time with him?

  R: Oh, thank you for your concern. Recently, because I have been holding concerts and filming in Hong Kong, I brought my family to Hong Kong for easy care.

  T: What’s the secret to loving your girlfriend Tina for so many years?

  R: You need to persevere, but not obsessively. You must give yourself a deadline for everything. You can’t wait endlessly for one thing. Give yourself some time and try your best. If you still don’t succeed, try something else and tell yourself that it may just not be the time.

  T: Is it because you value marriage so much that you are hesitant to enter the marriage hall?

  R: Marriage is a lifetime commitment. It’s like signing a lifetime contract. Even in the stage of getting married, you have to create romance for your lover anytime, anywhere. I believe in marriage, and we will definitely get married. Just wait for a gap to get things done.

  guest profile

  Name: Ren Xianqi

  English name: RichieJen

  Hometown: Wuhan City, Hubei Province

  Birthday: June 23, 1966

  Constellation: Cancer

  Blood type: B

  Height: 177cm

  Education: Department of Physical Education, Wenhua University

  Representative songs:

  "The girl opposite looks over", "The heart is too soft", "Relying on", "Ren Xiaoyao", "Sad Pacific"

  Representative film and television works:

  "Star Wish", "Summer Tea", "Marry a Rich Man", "The Big Event", "The Condor Hero", "Smiling Ao Jianghu"

Editor in charge: Zhao Jing

Release and Delivery AITO asks the world to launch the new M7 series

On September 12, AITO’s new M7 series was launched. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of smart car solutions BU, said: "We have invested 500 million yuan in the new M7 series of AITO, using high-quality materials and advanced technology. Whether it is in smart cockpit, smart driving or smart safety, it has performed well and brought high-quality experience to users."

Event site. Photo provided by the organizer

Event site. Photo provided by the organizer

It is understood that the new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and urban high-order intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. It is expected that in December this year, it will realize the urban intelligent driving pilot auxiliary feature (urban NCA) that can be opened nationwide. Since the release of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 in April 2023, a rich scene library has been built on the AI training cluster, and deep learning 10 million + km per day continues to optimize intelligent driving algorithms and scene strategies.

At the same time, the new M7 is equipped with a variety of sensing hardware, which can realize full-scene and all-weather perception of dynamic and static targets. Hongmeng smart cockpit has functions such as super desktop and offline voice navigation. The rear HUAWEI MagLinkTM can expand the new gameplay of space scenes and realize multi-device linkage.

In addition, the new M7 fully considers the needs of family travel and has a spacious effective space in the car. The trunk has a standard volume of 686L, which can easily accommodate 12 20-inch suitcases. When the two-row seats are reclined and connected to the trunk, it can achieve double lying down, easily meeting the needs of multi-scene vehicles.

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

In terms of passive safety, the new M7 is equipped with advanced body structure and high-strength materials, and the introduction of CBS composite body materials, which effectively improves collision safety. In terms of active safety, the new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 active safety system, which realizes forward, lateral and backward all-round anti-collision capabilities, providing a higher level of protection for drivers and passengers.

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

At this listing conference, Yu Chengdong held a delivery ceremony for small-order users during the Chengdu Auto Show, and asked the new M7 to be delivered immediately after listing, reducing the waiting period after users place orders, and improving consumers’ car purchase and car experience. (Ma Chunpeng)

Suqian Xingyue L Zhiqing cuts prices! The latest offer is 152,700, so act quickly.

Welcome to [car home Suqian Preferential Promotion Channel] to bring you the latest and anticipated preferential information. At present, the high-profile models are undergoing a vigorous promotion campaign, aiming at giving back to consumers’ love for this high-performance new energy SUV. In Suqian area, you have the opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, which makes Xingyue L Zhiqing at your fingertips at a more competitive price. The starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan, which is a good opportunity to buy a car. Want to seize this opportunity, get more specific discount details and real-time quotations, please click the "Check Car Price" button below, and let’s explore more benefits and surprises together.


The design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is full of modernity and strength. The front face is exquisitely designed in a family style, and the air intake grille is chrome-plated in a large area, creating an atmosphere without losing exquisite visual effects. The overall style is both business and sports, with smooth lines and coordinated proportions, showing the elegant temperament of luxury mid-level SUV. Whether it is the details or the overall proportion, it reflects the unremitting pursuit of quality and aesthetics by Xingyue L Zhiqing.


The side lines of Xingyue L Zhiqing are smooth and dynamic, and the body size is 4795 mm in length, 1895 mm in width and 1689 mm in height, showing a steady body proportion. Its wheelbase is as long as 2845 mm, which makes the interior space spacious, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610 mm, which ensures the stability and comfort of driving. Tyre size is 235/50 R19, and the tire width is moderate, which not only improves the driving grip, but also complements the rim style, creating a delicate and powerful visual effect. The overall design gives consideration to practicality and aesthetics, which makes people shine.


The interior of Xingyue L Zhiqing is exquisite and full of science and technology, and adopts modern and luxurious design concept. The center console is centered on a 12.3-inch large-size touch screen, with advanced multimedia system and voice recognition control system. It is easy to operate and supports navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight control. The steering wheel is made of leather with good texture, which is not only comfortable to touch, but also equipped with manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function to ensure the driver has the best control experience.

In the seat part, Xingyue L Zhiqing adopts imitation leather material, paying attention to comfort and durability. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), and is equipped with electric seat memory function to meet individual requirements. The co-pilot seat also supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the driver’s seat is additionally equipped with heating and ventilation functions. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which makes the space utilization more flexible.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a power output of 163 HP. This engine is combined with the 3-speed DHT gearbox to ensure the smoothness and fuel economy of the vehicle in daily driving. In terms of torque, the maximum torque is 255 Nm, which provides strong power support for the vehicle.

Summarizing the evaluation of car home car owners, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing has won his approval, which is simple and full of layers, and the big screen is full of science and technology. Although it is slightly dull, it obviously conforms to his aesthetics. The owner specifically mentioned that although the air volume of the rear air outlet was not satisfactory, it did not seriously affect his satisfaction with the overall interior. Therefore, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing, despite minor regrets, can still provide a comfortable driving experience as a whole, showing its unique charm.

Added information on the subject of execution, Wanda Film and Television was executed 25.17 million

According to the China Execution Information Open Network, recently, Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. added 1 piece of information about the person subject to execution, the execution target is 25172795, and the filing time is November 23, 2023. The enforcement court is the People’s Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing.

▲ Screenshot of China Executive Information Open Network

According to the official website, Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. was established in 2011 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dalian Wanda Group Beijing Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd. Wanda Film and Television integrates the development, investment, production, publicity, marketing, distribution and other multi-faceted film and television functions of movies and TV series, and is committed to the development of overseas film and television business. Up to now, the company has produced and released 101 films, and the global cumulative box office has exceeded 67 billion. There are many film and television works with good reputation at the box office, such as "Looking for the Dragon", "Get Out! Tumor Jun", "Detective Chinatown" series, "Take My Brother Away" series, etc.

According to Tianyancha App, shareholder information shows that Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. is jointly held by Wanda Film joint stock company, Zhuhai Xiangyi Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Haifa Film and Culture Co., Ltd. The controlling shareholder of the company is the class A share listed company Wanda Film joint stock company, with a shareholding ratio of 95.7683%.

Cancel the traditional button! BYD released a new generation of Tang interior design drawings.

As the highest-end SUV product under the BYD Dynasty series and even the brand, Tang will launch a new generation of models in 2018. In addition to the plug-in hybrid system, the first generation Tang will also increase the power of 2.0T gasoline. The online auto market has obtained a set of interior pictures of a new generation of Tang from the official. The new car is equipped with an ultra-large instrument panel and a central control display supporting 90 rotation, and the traditional physical buttons are cancelled in the central control area.

The overall design of the new generation of Tang is simple, the central control area simplifies complicated physical buttons, the oversized floating screen can realize all the operation processes, and the 90-degree rotation conforms to the current consumer mobile phone "horizontal" and "vertical" usage habits. The steering wheel is designed to be concave and convex, with the word "Tang" in the center. In-line air conditioning outlets are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the center console, and the interior is surrounded by blue decorative strips, creating a strong sense of luxury.

The length, width and height of the new generation Tang car body are 4870*1940*1720mm respectively, and the wheelbase reaches 2820mm, which is greatly improved compared with the current models. The front face adopts a brand-new design, the air intake grille of the plug-in version is a banner shape, and the gasoline version adopts a mesh structure. The fog lamp areas on both sides of the front of the car are also different in shape. The waistline runs from the front of the car to the rear of the car, and the logo of "Build Your Dreams" is added to the tail.

In terms of power configuration, the new generation of Tang plug-in hybrid version continues to be equipped with a 2.0T hybrid system, and the comprehensive maximum power will exceed 367kW, and the 0-100km/h acceleration time is only 4.9 seconds. The newly added gasoline version is equipped with a 2.0T engine, with a maximum output of 151kW, a peak torque of 320Nm and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 8.8L per 100 kilometers. (Online auto market reported in Beijing on December 29, 2017)

  • Page 1: Cancel the traditional buttons! BYD released a new generation of Tang interior design drawings.
  • Page 2: BYD Tang Channel

[Dark Horse Morning Post] Wang Hai sells Hetian jade in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi; Hangzhou responded to rumors that live broadcasts were prohibited; Some holiday arrangements were released

Today’s headlines/Toutiao

Wang Hai fakes Li Jiaqi live room and sells Hetian jade.

October 24th, Beijing (released). Wang Hai, a well-known counterfeiter, released a video, saying that Hetian jade sold in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi was a fake. According to Wang Hai, consumers bought the Hetian jade necklace of "Yuanyang Jinlou" in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and the result of NGTC laboratory’s appraisal of the necklace was "carbonate-tremolite jade necklace".

"It’s not Hetian jade at all, and the appraisal certificate is also fake." Wang Hai said that after the consumer (to the merchant) reflected, "Yuanjin Building directly transferred 50,000 yuan to the consumer WeChat, hoping to settle things, but it was rejected by the consumer". It is understood that this product has been removed from the shelves by merchants.

Hangzhou responded to the rumor that live broadcast is prohibited: untrue, there is no such thing.

Recently, the news that "Hangzhou has begun to implement the pilot program of live broadcast with goods in some markets" has been circulated on the Internet, causing concern.

On October 24th, the relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce responded to the reporter and said, "The so-called ‘ Hangzhou announced the ban on live broadcast of goods ’ ‘ It has already been implemented, and it is forbidden to pilot live broadcast with goods in some markets ’ False, there is no such thing, rumor! (Upstream News)

Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the arrangement of some holidays in 2024

1. New Year’s Day: It is a holiday on January 1st, and it is even closed on weekends. 2. Spring Festival: 8 days’ holiday from February 10th to 17th. Go to work on February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday). Encourage all units to implement the system of paid annual leave and arrange employees to rest on New Year’s Eve (February 9). 3. Tomb-Sweeping Day: We have a holiday from April 4th to 6th, lasting for 3 days.

Go to work on Sunday, April 7. 4. Labor Day: May 1st to 5th, with 5 days’ holiday. Go to work on Sunday, April 28th and Saturday, May 11th. 5. Dragon Boat Festival: It is a holiday on June 10th, and even closed on weekends. 6. Mid-Autumn Festival: We will have a holiday from September 15th to 17th, lasting for 3 days. Go to work on Saturday, September 14th. 7. National Day: 7 days’ holiday from October 1 to 7. Work on September 29th (Sunday) and October 12th (Saturday).

Brother Dayang angrily criticized Li Jiaqi for holding merchants hostage

On October 24th, in the "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" live broadcast room, Da Yang Ge said that Li Jiaqi controlled the price and inventory, which led to the removal of most of the big names in Xiao Yang Ge’s live broadcast room, and the seven bosses became angry on the spot.

Brother Dayang said that there are 100 stocks, and Li Jiaqi sells 70 or 80. Merchants must cooperate with him. If they sell more, they will have the right to hold the merchants hostage, indicating that a platform official is also very helpless. Brother Xiao Yang said that the price of a big brand is lower than that of Li Jiaqi, so it can’t be sold, and the product link can only be downloaded.

Company dynamics

Tesla roof rights protection female car owner claims to win the lawsuit.

On October 25, Zhang Yazhou, the party of "Tesla Roof Rights Protection Female Car Owner", wrote in her personal social account @ Coral in Danshui: "I won the case! From May 2021 to the present, it has lasted for two and a half years, 30 months and more than 900 days.

It can be said that I finally won a victory and saw some light. I believe that justice will not fall from the sky, and we must strive for it by ourselves. "

Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of next year.

On the evening of October 25th, Lei Jun said through his personal platform that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of next year. Some insiders said that due to the confidentiality agreement, there are not many A-share companies that have disclosed that they have reached a product supply relationship with Xiaomi Automobile, except Guangting Information and Sanan Optoelectronics.

"Under the water, more listed companies have actually entered the smart new energy vehicle ‘ Rice chain ’ In the middle. " It is reported that this year, the first-class and second-class battery suppliers of Xiaomi Automobile have already finalized Chuangxin Airlines and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

Crazy Xiao Yang Ge and the company behind Li Jiaqi have actually set up a joint venture.

On October 24th, topics related to "Crazy Brother Xiao Yang" and two head anchors, Li Jiaqi, boarded a hot search. It is understood that Li Jiaqi is a partner of Meiwan Network Technology Co., Ltd., and Xiao Yang’s real name is Zhang Qingyang.

Enterprise search App shows that the company owned by Crazy Xiaoyangge and the company owned by Meiwan have established a joint venture. The company is called Hangzhou Meiyangyang Technology Co., Ltd., which was established in July 2022 with Wang Teng as its legal representative and registered capital of 5 million yuan. Its business scope includes Internet sales supply chain management services, brand management and marketing planning.

Huawei responded that it will fully take over the cross-border sales system.

On October 25, some media reported that the sales system of the international community once again ushered in a major adjustment. All the salespeople in the world will join Huawei’s wholly-owned subsidiary "Shenzhen Huitong Business Co., Ltd." and become Huawei’s supernumerary employees, and all the signing changes will be completed next year.

In response to this matter, AITO Auto said that the car has been loved and recognized by consumers since its listing. In order to provide consumers with a better sales and service experience, Huawei will further increase the construction of direct stores. The report in LatePost that "Huawei will take over the sales system in the world" is untrue news.

Spend 4.5 billion to buy Jianghuai factory? Weilai or get rid of OEM and build a car independently

Jianghuai Automobile announced that the company intends to transfer some assets through public listing, involving the inventory, fixed assets, projects under construction, buildings and land use rights of the third factory of passenger car company, and the structures and equipment assets of Xinqiao factory of passenger car company. The proposed listing price is 4.498 billion yuan, the value-added is 286 million yuan, and the value-added rate is 6.79%.

It is reported that Weilai intends to acquire the above assets of Jianghuai Automobile. This incident has attracted the attention of the industry. The industry believes that Weilai, who has not been able to achieve the independence of building a car, decided to "divest" Jianghuai and rely on himself. (China Times)

Causes and compensation scheme of the failure of the language bird publishing service under ant group

On the evening of October 24th, Yuque, an online document editing and collaboration tool of Ant Group, apologized for the major service failure that lasted for more than 7 hours the day before, and announced the cause of the failure and compensation scheme. Yuque said that on the afternoon of October 23, when the data storage operation and maintenance team serving Yuque was upgrading, the production environment storage server in East China was mistakenly offline due to a bug in the new operation and maintenance upgrade tool.

Yuque will provide compensation to all users affected by the failure, give 6 months of membership service to individual users of Yuque, and make a separate compensation plan for users of Yuque Space. In terms of language birds, it is emphasized that all data of users have not been lost.

Great Wall Motor Weipai invested 500 million yuan to develop a high-end new energy MPV exclusive platform.

Recently, the first product of Great Wall Motor Wei brand MPV category — — Wei brand Alpine MPV is listed. The new car is divided into three models, and the price range is 335,800 yuan-405,800 yuan. It is reported that in order to build this product, Wei Pai spent 500 million yuan to develop the world’s first exclusive platform for high-end new energy MPV. (Securities Times)

Alibaba International Station will launch the Southeast Asian National Pavilion to launch B2B demand.

Alibaba International Station will officially launch the Southeast Asia Pavilion on October 31, helping China sellers transform B2B exports through nationalization and continue to increase the Southeast Asian market. It is predicted that with the introduction of new Indonesian regulations on e-commerce, the uncertainty of e-commerce market in Southeast Asia has intensified, and the transformation of B2B export has become one of the choices of a large number of cross-border sellers in China.

Cainiao announced that AliExpress released "Six Cross-border Logistics Guarantees"

On the morning of October 25th, Cainiao International Express Head Merchants Exchange Conference, Cainiao and AliExpress jointly released "Six Cross-border Logistics Guarantees" to improve the timeliness and service of cross-border logistics in double 11, helping merchants to greatly promote the growth of single volume.

In September this year, Cainiao and AliExpress’s "Global 5-Day Express" products officially landed in Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and South Korea, which brought significant growth to the European and South Korean markets. It is reported that, as "Five Days Arrival" is the first time to usher in the single-volume exam in double 11, Cainiao International Express will continue to improve the achievement rate and service quality of "Five Days Arrival" and ensure that the logistics timeliness will not be degraded. In terms of logistics infrastructure, rookie will continue to ensure and promote logistics timeliness through various measures such as speeding up the first kilometer timeliness, adding 10 trunk warehouses, expanding the storage area of warehouses, and improving the service timeliness and production capacity of the three warehouses. (Sina Technology)

Character view

JD.COM executives responded by calling Li Jiaqi: boycott the overlord clause of the floor price agreement of the whole network.

On October 25th, the person in charge of household appliances in JD.COM issued a message in the circle of friends, supporting the JD.COM purchasing and selling personnel who had publicly shouted "Choose One from Two" in the circle of friends. The person in charge said, "The circle of friends that our small household appliances were sold yesterday is the epitome of every employee in our business department’s insistence on safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers at low prices.

In the face of the chaos that some head anchors deprive consumers of the right to enjoy real low prices for their own selfish interests, we must resist the overlord clause of the "bottom price of the whole network" agreement! All the small partners of the Home Appliances and Home Appliances Division have come forward to make consumers feel the reality of the price in JD.COM!

BYD responded that Wang Chuanfu stepped down as the chairman of the subsidiary again.

Recently, Wang Chuanfu’s resignation as the legal representative and chairman of Shenzhen BYD Lithium Battery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "BYD Lithium Battery") has aroused market concern.

In this regard, on October 25, BYD responded to the First Financial Reporter that recently, the Group has successively changed the legal representative and chairman of its subsidiaries into actual business leaders to simplify the administrative process and facilitate the company’s various businesses. Except for the change of legal representative and chairman, the company’s operation and shareholding structure have not changed, and the development of various businesses of the company has not been affected. 

The order for M9 has exceeded 15,000 Yu Chengdong: Smart lights will get on the bus.

According to AITO Auto official, the brand’s new flagship SUV has received more than 15,000 blind orders. Although it has not yet been listed, it has attracted much attention from the outside world.

Yu Chengdong also shared the news at Weibo, and said: Not only did he bring the M9 with high-end luxury design, but he also brought the industry-leading Huawei smart car technology, including the HarmonyOS smart cockpit, Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving technology, and the smart lights that have attracted great attention recently, to this car.

Hu Zhenyu, founder of Nut Projection, is restricted from high consumption.

On October 25, the reporter learned that the Minhang District People’s Court in Shanghai has included Hu Zhenyu, the founder of Nut Projection, in the list of untrustworthy people. The reporter inquired about the China Implementation Information Open Network and found that the Minhang District People’s Court of Shanghai filed a case on August 14, 2023 to implement the labor arbitration of "Shanghai Jinglan Technology Co., Ltd.". Because the company failed to fulfill the payment obligations specified in the effective legal documents within the time specified in the notice, it took measures to restrict consumption of Shanghai Jinglan Technology Co., Ltd.

At the same time, Wu Zhan, the legal representative of Shanghai Jinglan Technology Co., Ltd., and Hu Zhenyu, the main person in charge, were included in the list of untrustworthy people. (Interface News)

Lan Shili, the actual controller of soda in Wuhan No.2 Factory, was compensated by the state for about 590,000 yuan.

On October 25th, Lan Shili, the soda controller of Wuhan No.2 Factory, announced that he had previously applied for state compensation and had obtained the criminal compensation decision issued by Guangzhou Procuratorate.

According to the decision, Lan Shili applied for compensation of 502,000 yuan, and finally received compensation totaling about 590,000 yuan. Lan Shili said at the scene that the compensation was acceptable and decided to donate it.

Shen Nanpeng believes that young people should be given opportunities for social mobility.

On October 24th, the 7th Future Investment Initiative (FII) Summit opened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Shen Nanpeng believes that young people are the future of economic growth, and more opportunities for social mobility should be created for them. He said that the performance of the younger generation of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs has made them more confident about the future.

The society needs to provide them with all kinds of support, including entrepreneurial guidance and financial resources. Because the development of the world is not only driven by large companies, but also by small and medium-sized enterprises trying to break the status quo of various industries. In addition, he believes that it is also very important to give young people opportunities for social mobility. (Rui Jian)

Toyota CEO: Electric cars are our future.

Toyota CEO Hiroshi Sato said at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Motor Show on Wednesday that the battery concept car will define the future of Toyota. In his 15-minute speech, Sato focused on electric vehicles, and did not agree with his predecessor Akio Toyoda that hybrid systems and other technologies such as hydrogen will also help Toyota move towards a carbon-neutral future.

When talking about electric cars, Sato said: "They are not only environmentally friendly, but also provide driving pleasure and diverse experiences." "This is the future waiting for us," he said when unveiling several electric concept cars of Toyota. (Global Market Broadcast)

Cao Peng, President of jingdong cloud Business Department: 80% of the systems in JD.COM have been replaced by localization.

On the morning of October 25th, Cao Peng, President of jingdong cloud Business Department, said at the "2023 JD.COM Supply Chain Finance Technology Conference" that 80% of JD.COM’s systems have been replaced domestically this year.

"We believe that the big model should not be just a toy, but should create more industrial value and should be improved in marketing, delivery and interaction." Cao Peng said. It introduced that today’s multi-modal digital people can cover the whole scene of products and services, and also developed a computing platform to make the big model more inclusive. (Sina Technology)

Does Microsoft’s increase in AI investment affect the improvement of medium and long-term gross profit? CFO response

At the Microsoft performance meeting on the 25th, Gregg Moskowitz, an analyst at Mizuho Securities, mentioned that some investors were worried that with the increase of Microsoft’s investment in AI, whether the company has the ability to continuously promote the improvement of gross profit in the medium and long term. Amy Hood, CFO of Microsoft, stressed that Microsoft has a complete and unified infrastructure, and every penny spent will bring huge leverage from the platform to all levels. In other words, whenever and wherever demand arises — — Whether in SaaS, infrastructure, workload training, or Bing workload, Microsoft can quickly use Microsoft’s infrastructure to drive revenue.

Therefore, although Microsoft’s increased investment in AI will indeed have an impact on the cost of goods sold, Microsoft hopes to ensure high leverage and ensure that investors can see sustained and stable income growth. There may be occasional fluctuations, this business has risen slightly, and other businesses have not met expectations at all. However, Microsoft will minimize fluctuations and ensure that all business lines develop as balanced as possible. Amy Hood said that she believes that the performance over the past years can also prove this point. (Sina Technology)

Google CEO: AI and search assistant will be development opportunities in the next decade.

When talking about AI at Google’s third-quarter performance meeting today, Google CEO sundar pichai said that in the next decade, both AI and search assistant will be very important development opportunities for Google, and the company will continue to invest to improve the user experience. I believe that the value will show itself in the future.

In time, Google will probably see new business models, including the application of subscription model in Youtube business. Pichai said that Google also has the application of artificial intelligence technology in the cloud business, and the management is very optimistic about this. (Sina Technology)

Capital insight

Extreme Rabbit Express will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange on Friday.

The IPO price of Extreme Rabbit Express Hong Kong is set at HK$ 12 per share and will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange on October 27th. The net proceeds from the offering are estimated to be HK$ 3.53 billion.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has put forward suggestions and started consultation on GEM reform, and the revised listing rules will be implemented in the first quarter of next year.

Lee Ka Chiu John, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) said that HKEx has put forward suggestions and started consultations on the reform of GEM, including simplifying the transfer mechanism to the main board and increasing the listing channels for scientific research companies. After considering public opinions, HKEx will implement the revised listing rules in the first quarter of next year. (SSE)

Xihuang Group completed round B financing.

On October 25th, Hangzhou Xihuang Technology Group Co., Ltd. completed round B financing, which was jointly led by Tiger Global Management and Taiming Venture Capital. This financing focuses on the global market layout and mergers and acquisitions.

Founded in 2016, Xihuang Technology is committed to providing information software development, big data technology research and development, natural speech processing, AI algorithm recommendation and commercial application, short video global traffic digital solutions and accurate customer empowerment for governments, industries and enterprises. (national business daily)

Tianbing Technology completed hundreds of millions of RMB C+ rounds of financing.

According to Tianbing Technology WeChat official account, Tianbing Technology recently announced the completion of several hundred million RMB C+ rounds of financing. This round of financing was led by CITIC Jiantou Investment, followed by CCTV Fund, Deyue Investment, Hongfu Assets, Suzhou Asset Management and First Development Venture Capital.

This round of funds will be used for the batch production of Tianlong-2 medium-sized liquid rocket, the development and first flight of Tianlong-3 large-scale liquid launch vehicle and engine, the key research test of recyclable technology, the construction of special launch station for Tianlong-3, the construction of batch production capacity and the improvement of talent team. (national business daily)

Science and technology foresight

Xiaomi Group’s Hong Kong stocks rose by more than 5%, and it will launch Snapdragon’s new flagship mobile phone in the world.

On the morning of October 25th, Xiaomi Group’s Hong Kong stocks rose more than 5% to HK$ 13.62 per share. In the news, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi, said at Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit that Xiaomi will launch its flagship mobile phone with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen 3 processor in the world. Xiaomi’s new flagship 14 will be officially released at 19: 00 pm on October 26th, Beijing time.

Vivo X100 series will be the first model equipped with Hynix memory chip LPDDR5T.

On October 25th, the interface news got the news from the supply chain. vivo X100 series will become the first flagship model equipped with Hynix LPDDR5T memory in the world. Compared with the mainstream LPDDR5X memory, the reading speed of LPDDR5T is increased by 13%, making it the fastest mobile DRAM in the industry.

Judging from the news released at present, vivo has cooperated with Mediatek and equipped with Tianji 9300 platform, which means that vivo X100 series has outstanding performance in CPU, GPU, APU, ISP and memory. (Interface News)

Xpeng Motors rose more than 8% to launch flying cars, humanoid robots and the first MPV.

On October 24th, Tucki Science and Technology Day "enlarged the move", and launched a humanoid biped robot PX5 developed by Xpeng Motors, a mass-produced land-air integrated flying car and the first MPV "Tucki X9".

Xiaomi Auto was officially unveiled, and the new forces of making cars were black at the moment.

After waiting for 1003 days, Lei Jun and his Xiaomi SU-7 finally appeared. Before that, he paid tribute to BYD, Weilai, Tucki, Ideality and Huawei.

When asked why he didn’t pay tribute to SAIC, FAW, Geely, Great Wall, Chang ‘an, Chery and other car companies, Lei Jun said: Everyone misunderstood. I am full of awe for the whole automobile industry, and I paid tribute to them at the beginning of building a car.

□ Dahebao Yu video reporter

I’m afraid the real reason behind it is that only these five car companies, plus Tesla and Porsche, which will be compared, are the car companies that Xiaomi really wants to subvert.

Just like trying to shoot the front waves on the beach and the back waves, when Lei Jun took the shot, the seven car companies that claimed to be "new forces" felt the pressure.

Just as Lei Jun didn’t say, the SU-7 is actually a classic aircraft launched by the Sukhoi Design Bureau of the former Soviet Union, which reversed the situation that Su Ge dominated the world in one fell swoop.

There is no doubt that Xiaomi "redefined" electric vehicles after Huawei’s ideal of Tucki.

The refrigerator and color TV are empty.

When the new car-making forces are still struggling with who piled more refrigerators and color TVs on the car, Xiaomi only put one.16.1-inch central control ecological screen, no co-pilot Dalian screen, no rear big screen.

But don’t worry, Xiaomi car supports PAD to get on the bus, which can be directly hung in front of the rear seat. After being connected to the system, it can also operate the front co-pilot. The interface of the car is designed with cards, which can not only switch cards left and right, freely lay out, but also adjust the card size and operate with hands. The whole operation is very simple, and Xiaobai can easily get started without studying.

This is Xiaomi’s specialty, far ahead.

At the press conference, Lei Jun announced that in Mijia’s eco-insensitive car, the car machine system is deeply adapted to mainstream car applications, and the car machine application is almost the same as Xiaomi’s tablet operation experience. The mobile phone application can also be pinned to the car, and the car machine can be changed in seconds. Native application; The first batch of equipment supports 1000+ meters, which is connected with the account in a confidential way, and supports the setting of automatic scene linkage.

In the expansion of the central control panel, Pin points are reserved around the screen to expand the interface, and the hardware devices of the three parties can be plugged and played. There is also a magnetic attraction function at the bottom of the screen, and even a group of physical buttons can be attracted to add physical button control to the vehicle.

The storage space of the center console is reserved with hardware interface, power interface and magnetic attraction, which can expand more innovative hardware of three parties, such as supporting Mijia car fragrance machine.

The back of the seat also supports the hardware ecological expansion, and has the magnetic charging characteristic of 22.5W W. After the millet tablet is adsorbed, it directly becomes the original car machine, which can control 30+ car control systems such as navigation, air conditioning, seat, audio and video.

In addition, Apple devices can also be supported by Xiaomi smart cockpit. The car has CarPlay and AirPlay wireless connections, and the expansion of the seat back also supports iPad, which can control air conditioning, music and seats.

Such a "geek" expansion way will definitely make competitors clap their thighs and say "Why didn’t I think of it?" Instead of piling the configuration on the car, it is better to open the interface and let more personalized applications get on the bus.

Unexpectedly, Xiaomi found the belief in performance.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, the Xiaomi Super Motor V8s was officially released, with a speed of 27200rpm. Lei Jun said excitedly that it will be the ceiling of the global motor speed and the top motor in the world.

According to reports, the millet super motor V8s is completely developed and produced by Xiaomi, and it is expected to get on the bus in 2025.

Xiaomi Super Motor V8s is the first in the industry to produce 960MPa special silicon steel sheet, self-developed rotor design, two-way oil-cooled heat dissipation, S-shaped three-dimensional oil circuit design, 54-slot 6-pole design, 8-layer Hairpin flat wire winding, with a slot full rate of 77%. It has applied for 155 patents and authorized 60 patents.

In performance, the millet super motor V8s has a maximum horsepower of 578ps, a peak power of 425kW and a peak torque of 635 N m..

Xiaomi automobile is equipped with 101 kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin battery and CTB integrated battery technology.

In terms of batteries, the 800V high-voltage battery pack carried by Xiaomi was completed by thousands of engineers in Xiaomi and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited for two years, but the battery core was not self-developed.

The battery adopts the CTB battery body integration technology developed by Xiaomi. Officially, the thickness of battery pack+floor is 120mm, the volume efficiency reaches 77.8%, and the harness is reduced by 91%, thus reducing the harness space by 3%.

In terms of performance, Xiaomi SU7 has the lowest drag coefficient of 0.195Cd in the world, the largest 105L front standby box in China, and the first four-fold braking safety mechanism. It refused to brake failure and accelerated to 2.78 seconds at zero speed, and stepped into the "2-second super-running club" with a maximum speed of 265km/h, which surpassed the performance of Porsche Taycan Turbo.

This has made many people realize that Xiaomi Automobile has regained the origin of the car-performance. When new forces are deployed and traditional manufacturers give up performance promotion, it is Lei Jun who cares more about the performance of a car.

Just like Xiaomi car has several physical buttons, which are required by Lei Jun. These physical buttons include start/stop, air conditioning temperature adjustment, air conditioning air volume adjustment, air suspension adjustment and electric tail adjustment.

As for why the electric tail adjustment button should be kept, Lei Jun said that it was mainly because a friend bought a million luxury cars, but he just couldn’t find a way to open the electric tail.

How can it be 99 thousand?

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, Lei Jun spoke alone for three hours. This conference "only issued technology, not released cars".

Some netizens left a message to Lei Jun, saying that the whole press conference was most impressed by this sentence "How can it be 99,000?".

At the press conference, Lei Jun said that it is impossible for Xiaomi automobile SU7 to sell 99,000, and it is impossible to sell 149,000.

In fact, it’s not unreasonable to say this. I don’t want to be friends with rice noodles any more. It’s true that the cost of Xiaomi car is really high. We can see what super-high-cost technologies Xiaomi car uses.

Xiaomi Automobile will adopt 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform with a maximum voltage of 871V, and CTB integrated battery technology, with a volume efficiency of 77.8%.

Xiaomi battery is safe. It has passed the most stringent thermal failure safety standards in the world, and has top-level heat dissipation and heat insulation capabilities: 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, with the largest cooling area of 7.8m2, and 165 pieces of aerogels are used for heat insulation, and Xiaomi Che Yun collaborative safety early warning system and the industry’s first battery inversion technology are adopted to improve safety.

Xiaomi also provides Xiaomi’s high-efficiency dual-mode heat pump, which can improve the low-temperature battery life retention rate, low-temperature air conditioning heating speed and low-temperature charging speed.

Xiaomi also researched the super die-casting of Xiaomi in the whole stack, and independently designed 9100t die-casting in the whole link; Also introduced a self-developed material-Xiaomi Titan alloy; It also introduced the self-developed design of 72-in-1 integrated die-casting floor and innovative three-stage anti-collision design.

Xiaomi intelligent driving comes from full-stack self-developed intelligent driving technology; Zoom BEV, large road model, super-resolution occupation network, super-power computing chip and sensing hardware are used to provide better performance.

"On the way to the press conference today, the afternoon sun shone into the windows that came and went, drawing a golden outline for those drivers. I seem to see you, over the years, across one pass after another; See you, firm and confident, from this winter, towards a new era. No matter how cold and windy this winter is, your car and your heart are warm; Your steps and your wheels are equally steady and powerful. Cheer for the forge ahead and walk with the elites of the times. Xiaomi’s first car, Xiaomi SU7, was built for drivers on these dream roads. "

The Xiaomi Auto Conference, which lasted for 3 hours, ended with the soul chicken soup instilled by Lei Jun into the "elite of the times"-the target group of Xiaomi SU7. His last sentence was, "I want to tell you that self-confidence in life is infinitely broad, and continuous progress is the best reward for your life."

Chery Tiggo 8 PRO’s listed technology is "full" and its performance is "awesome"

On May 18th, PRO was officially launched, and nine models with 1.6TGDI and 2.0TGDI were launched, with the price range of 126,900-171,900 yuan.

Tiggo 8 PRO products are positioned as "the flagship of global power technology"-technology and power are the core competitiveness of this car. In terms of science and technology, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with a new generation of "Lion 5.0 AI Technology Smart Cockpit", including 6 modules including the AI Emotional Super Interactive System and over 15 emotion recognition interactive functions, which can not only monitor the driver’s safe driving and take the initiative to care for him, but also support multi-mode voice, no wake-up and intelligent car control.

Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the first W-HUD interstellar flying head-up display function, which can display various functions such as speed, dynamic ADAS, navigation, telephone and so on, so that users can display the required vehicle information just by looking straight ahead.

In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with Kunpeng Power 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines, both of which have won the China Heart Top Ten Engine Award. The 2.0TGDI engine has a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390N·m, which also accelerates the 100 km of the Tiggo 8 PRO into the 7-second range.

It is worth mentioning that the Tiggo 8 PRO is also equipped with the "CHERY AWD" full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system built by ZF, which provides six full-scene road modes including economy, ordinary, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can easily adapt to more scenes and make users’ travel more interesting.

It is reported that in addition to the fuel-powered version, the future Tiggo 8 PRO will also have a hybrid version equipped with Kunpeng DHT. With the core technical advantages of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds", it will bring users a more economical, worry-free and enjoyable car experience. Among them, "3 engines" refers to three power sources consisting of a 1.5T hybrid engine and dual motors, which can simultaneously drive the dual motors and generate electricity. With three physical gears, the technical strength covering 11 kinds of all-vehicle scenes ensures efficient power output, and at the same time, it can cope with more working conditions and balance power and fuel consumption.

At present, the Tiggo 8 has become a successful "big single product" model under the brand, with sales exceeding 50,000 vehicles in the first four months of this year. Just last month, the 500,000 th Tiggo 8 was officially rolled off the assembly line, and its ability to continue selling well can be seen. With higher-tech configuration and stronger performance, Tiggo 8 PRO will certainly attract more Z-generation young consumers.