Epidemic prevention and control boosts the new model of e-commerce, community group buying strides into people’s lives

  Draw your mobile phone, order what you need in the WeChat Mini Program, and you can get the goods at the head of the community the next day – community group buying is a new type of consumption model that has emerged in recent years. During this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, community group buying suddenly became popular, providing residents at home with daily necessities, especially fresh fruits and vegetables that are necessary for three meals a day. It has played a huge role in ensuring the normal life of residents during the epidemic prevention and control period, and has also been recognized by more and more people. How will community group buying develop in the future has become a topic of concern for people.

  Fresh fruits and vegetables become the main commodities of the "group"

  "My family’s daily necessities such as vegetables and fruits are basically solved by community group buying, and the monthly consumption exceeds 1,000 yuan," Ms. Liu, from Kaifu District in Changsha City, told reporters on April 22. "This kind of community group buying consumption model provides convenience for our working people, the price is relatively affordable, and the quality feels good."

  The merchant recruits the head of the community as a unit, the head of the group creates a group buying WeChat group, and the head of the group promotes group buying goods in the group. Consumers place an order in the WeChat Mini Program, and the merchant delivers it to the head of the community according to the order volume the next day. Consumers go to the head of the group to pick up the goods, thus completing a community group buying.

  Group buying platform on the sale of a dazzling array of goods, the reporter in the prosperity of the preferred platform to see, there are 24 categories, ten Hui group also has 14 categories, from fresh fruits and vegetables, food, beauty care to home appliances digital group, and even cleaning services, laundry services can be group, among which vegetables, fruits, snacks, fresh most popular.

  In the vicinity of Heyuan Community, Kaifu District, Changsha City, there are three group buying points, Xingsheng Preferred, Zhihua Zhiguo, and Shihui Group. There are two group buying groups in the mobile phone of Ms. Zhang, a resident of the community, "I joined two community group buying groups. Each group buying has a different time every day, and the types and prices of sales are different. So when I want to buy something, I will compare the supply of the two platforms before placing an order. There is one platform with better fruit quality, and the other platform has cheaper daily necessities." Ms. Zhang is very knowledgeable about group buying. She said that she has joined community group buying for more than two years. Now most of the daily necessities are solved by group buying, and the number of visits to supermarkets and vegetable markets is much less than before.

  On the morning of April 24, the reporter saw a truck full of fresh food at the Shihuituan pick-up point in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District. The delivery driver told the reporter that he was responsible for delivering more than ten points around the area, each time there were thousands of orders.

  The number of Zhihua Zhiguo group buying group in Heyuan Community has reached 492 people, and sometimes the head of the group also sells some local eggs, local chickens, Dongjiang fish and other local specialties. The head of the group buying is mainly middle-aged people, office workers.

  It is common for several group buying platforms to coexist in a community. Residents of Jinxiu Huatian, Kaifu District, Changsha City told reporters that before the Spring Festival, there was only one prosperous and preferred community. After the epidemic appeared, there are now 4 group buying platforms in the community. Every day, the 4 heads of delegation do their best to promote platform products in the group, which is very lively.

  In Changsha City, Chengbei Shuiying California Community, the head of the "A Preferred Little Talent" concurrently operates three platforms: Xingsheng Preferred, Koala Selection Mall, and Shihui Group, as well as Deyuan Baozi delivery. Every day at about 8:30 am, she will send the main product links of each platform in the WeChat group to notify the arrival and other information. During the epidemic prevention and control period, she also personally delivered the goods to her door. Ms. Zhou from the community told reporters that because it is far from the urban area and there are relatively few supermarkets, she is more willing to participate in community group buying. The content of the three group buying platforms is similar, all of which are fruits, vegetables, daily necessities, etc., and the prices are slightly different. The price of group buying vegetables and fruits is cheaper than the surrounding fruit shops and supermarkets, such as honeydew melon in Hainan, fruit shops sell for 6 yuan/catty, while the platform only 4 yuan/catty.

  Community group buying plays an important role during the epidemic

  "On the fifth day of the first lunar month, there were no vegetables at home. I went to the vegetable market and found that it was not open at all. I went to the nearby supermarket. The vegetable area that had always been dazzling in the past had no leaves. Just when I was at a loss, the owner of the commissary in the community pulled me into the Zhihua Zhiguo shopping platform. The next day, the dishes I bought arrived and felt fresh. Since then, as an office worker, I have been buying fresh fruits and vegetables on the platform every day, which feels very convenient." Recently, Ms. Liu from Yuhua District, Changsha City, told reporters how she became a loyal consumer of community group buying.

  The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted the normal life of the citizens, the semi-closed management of the community, and the vegetable market has also delayed the opening of the door. With the extension of the closure time, many residents have no food, and some e-commerce platforms are still delivering goods without interruption. Some community heads also responded positively to the opening of the group, alleviating the residents’ shopping problems.

  During the most serious period of the epidemic, the reporter found that community group buying was very popular. For example, on the Xingsheng Preferred platform, each single product is tens of thousands of pieces of vegetables, soy products and meat, which are often sold out within 15 minutes of opening the group at 0:00. Some other commodities that are in short supply during the epidemic, such as alcohol, disinfectant, yeast powder, etc., have been out of stock elsewhere, but they are still available on the platform from time to time. As popular products, they need to be snapped up quickly.

  Ms. Zhou of Heyuan Community said that recently, she has been guarding the two platforms of the community to open a group and stock up on some vegetables every day. It is because of community group buying that her family’s life has not been greatly affected during the epidemic.

  The frenzy of group buying has ruined the heads of the community. A head of the group surnamed Liu in Lotus Pool, Kaifu District, Changsha City, said that since the opening of the group on the sixth day of the new year, the number of group buying has soared, reaching more than four times the previous number. "During the epidemic, I am so busy that I often can’t eat lunch and dinner." A head of the group surnamed Zhang in Furong District also told reporters that as soon as the delivery truck arrived at 2 pm, in order to prevent the crowding of people taking goods, his family of four went into battle and put the goods in sub-units first.

  The person in charge of several large-scale group buying platforms in Changsha told reporters that during the COVID-19 epidemic, the sales volume of the platform ushered in explosive growth. For example, in Xingsheng Preferred, Changsha’s super 1 million active users placed orders on the platform, the average order volume increased by about 300%, and the number of new users increased by more than 4 times year-on-year. Fresh goods such as vegetables and fruits were basically sold out before noon.

  All platforms have tried to ensure delivery during the epidemic. The person in charge of Zhihua Zhiguo told reporters that during the epidemic, the platform also applied for resumption of work early. The first delivery began on February 6, and the growth of vegetables and meat was obvious. In order to ensure that a community with suspected cases can deliver goods, several shareholders also take turns to drive home deliveries. Xingsheng Preferred also took measures such as providing additional subsidies for distribution personnel and setting up incentives to encourage distribution personnel and heads of delegation.

  Healthy development requires facing existing problems

  The epidemic has made community group buying widely accepted by people, which is greatly conducive to the future development of this e-commerce model. However, the threshold for community group buying is not high, and many problems such as commodity quality and after-sales services are also exposed during the epidemic. Pay attention to and solve these problems, so that community group buying can better develop and better serve the masses.

  Group buying has a price advantage, but because you can’t see the real thing, sometimes you will buy troubles: the duck intestines you bought are covered with red spots, the tofu is sour, the vegetables are broken, the melons and fruits are cracked, and the fruit taste is very poor – consumers have a lot of complaints. The biggest difference with other online shopping products is that the fresh fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life, and the goods are particularly easy to break, which brings certain difficulties to after-sales. The sales process includes producers, group buying platforms, community heads, consumers and other links. The responsibilities of each link are not clear. Once there is a problem, mutual accusations and wrangling often occur. Some consumers because the price of goods is not high, defective products thrown away, did not go to complain, but if this happens often, it will definitely affect the group buying feeling.

  Delivery of goods is also often untimely, which occurs from time to time on various platforms. Sometimes a goods cannot be delivered for several days in a row, and fresh ingredients are not delivered in time, which brings extraordinary trouble and greatly reduces the satisfaction of the shopping experience.

  Platform in the selection of the community head, there is no threshold, some heads do not even have their own brick and mortar stores, the goods come, just like a stall in the community. A resident of Changsha Yuelu District complained that the community will be a long pile of vegetables, fruits and even meat on the ground, spring and winter season is OK, summer to do? Who is responsible for deterioration?

  How to protect rights if there is a problem with the goods bought by the group, lawyer Li Chunguang of Hunan Haitian Law Firm told reporters, "If the head of the group buys for free, as long as there is no major fault, it generally does not need to bear legal responsibility; if the purchasing fee is charged, if the purchasing behavior causes the buyer’s loss, it will be legally responsible. Citizens who encounter Sanwu products or quality problems must keep relevant evidence. If the after-sales service of the group buying products is not smooth and there is a dispute, they can use the WeChat chat records and payment records of the head of the group to complain to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, or they can request the Consumer Association to mediate or sue to the court."

  (Text/Tian Yan, Shi Xuehui)

Ren Xianqi: Don’t call me a good man!

  Benefactor: The little bug is an eternal master

  From 1990 to 1997, Ren Xianqi experienced an embarrassing life for more than seven years. Because of the famous musician Bug’s discerning eyes, Ren Xianqi sang the masterpiece "Too Soft Heart", which is still a classic. Although he became the king of the music world in the future, Ren Xianqi has always been grateful to his benefactor Bug.

  T: When your career is booming, you must be filled with emotion when you recall the twists and turns of your debut.

  R: When I first became famous, I didn’t feel a lot of emotion, I just felt light, many people liked me, loved me, and got carried away. I didn’t realize it at the time. Fortunately, someone reminded me, and then I went home and thought about it slowly, and found that I couldn’t be proud just because I was popular. I should cherish every opportunity and continue to work hard. In fact, looking back, when I first entered the entertainment industry, the work I did that had nothing to do with music was also a kind of tempering for me personally.

  T: Teacher Bug discovered and trained you back then. What do you think he saw in you?

  R: To be honest, I wouldn’t be where I am today without Mr. Bug, so I really thank him. As for what he likes about me, you can ask him. Personally, I think I have worked hard enough and been obedient enough.

  T: I heard that Mr. Bug was in financial difficulties a few days ago, and you helped him get through it.

  R: I don’t think I need to remember this. I will only remember him as my eternal master.

  Movie: Another Interpretation of Johnnie To

  Thick eyebrows, single eyelids, and a sunny smile made Ren Xianqi the perfect choice for the "good man" on the screen. But Johnnie To unearthed another side of Ren Xianqi – the villain who constantly competed with the protagonist’s intellectual power in "Big Event", making people realize that he also has a "murderous" side.

  T: In recent years, there have been many film works, but most of them have collaborated with Hong Kong directors. Why?

  R: I also want to ask why other directors don’t come to me! Haha! Maybe I have been working with Hong Kong directors since the beginning, so everyone forgot that I can speak Mandarin, and by the way, I can also speak English.

  T: The "Gunslinger" in "Release" is very cool. Did you deliberately transform it?

  R: In the previous "Big Event", I was also a villain. I actually liked making gunfight movies, maybe because I used to play some "good man" roles, but I was afraid that everyone would call me a good man in real life, and it would be very stressful.

  T: After acting in movies for so many years, there don’t seem to be many representative works. Do you want to be the best actor?

  R: I also have some masterpieces, and those who don’t necessarily win awards are masterpieces. I’m always being recognized, otherwise directors wouldn’t keep asking me to film. Of course I want to be the best actor, and I will continue to work hard.

  It’s easier to be a bad guy.

  Ren Xianqi is recognized as a "new good man" in and out of the play, but he himself keeps calling: "Don’t call me a’good man ‘anymore!"

  T: Why don’t you like being called the "new good man"?

  R: Well, it’s all because of the movie. Because I’ve played a few good men, people think I’m the same, but I’m really not that good! With the title of "the new good man", I can’t make any mistakes, so it’s very stressful. If you think about it, if a good person accidentally does something wrong one day, everyone will say, "Ah, so he is such a person!" On the other hand, if someone has always been considered a bad person and he helps a blind person cross the street, everyone will say, "So he’s not that bad!" So, it should be easier to be a bad person!

  T: Are you a good man or should you speak with facts? For example, if a new baby is added this year, will you take the time to spend more time with him?

  R: Oh, thank you for your concern. Recently, because I have been holding concerts and filming in Hong Kong, I brought my family to Hong Kong for easy care.

  T: What’s the secret to loving your girlfriend Tina for so many years?

  R: You need to persevere, but not obsessively. You must give yourself a deadline for everything. You can’t wait endlessly for one thing. Give yourself some time and try your best. If you still don’t succeed, try something else and tell yourself that it may just not be the time.

  T: Is it because you value marriage so much that you are hesitant to enter the marriage hall?

  R: Marriage is a lifetime commitment. It’s like signing a lifetime contract. Even in the stage of getting married, you have to create romance for your lover anytime, anywhere. I believe in marriage, and we will definitely get married. Just wait for a gap to get things done.

  guest profile

  Name: Ren Xianqi

  English name: RichieJen

  Hometown: Wuhan City, Hubei Province

  Birthday: June 23, 1966

  Constellation: Cancer

  Blood type: B

  Height: 177cm

  Education: Department of Physical Education, Wenhua University

  Representative songs:

  "The girl opposite looks over", "The heart is too soft", "Relying on", "Ren Xiaoyao", "Sad Pacific"

  Representative film and television works:

  "Star Wish", "Summer Tea", "Marry a Rich Man", "The Big Event", "The Condor Hero", "Smiling Ao Jianghu"

Editor in charge: Zhao Jing

Release and Delivery AITO asks the world to launch the new M7 series

On September 12, AITO’s new M7 series was launched. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of smart car solutions BU, said: "We have invested 500 million yuan in the new M7 series of AITO, using high-quality materials and advanced technology. Whether it is in smart cockpit, smart driving or smart safety, it has performed well and brought high-quality experience to users."

Event site. Photo provided by the organizer

Event site. Photo provided by the organizer

It is understood that the new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and urban high-order intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. It is expected that in December this year, it will realize the urban intelligent driving pilot auxiliary feature (urban NCA) that can be opened nationwide. Since the release of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 in April 2023, a rich scene library has been built on the AI training cluster, and deep learning 10 million + km per day continues to optimize intelligent driving algorithms and scene strategies.

At the same time, the new M7 is equipped with a variety of sensing hardware, which can realize full-scene and all-weather perception of dynamic and static targets. Hongmeng smart cockpit has functions such as super desktop and offline voice navigation. The rear HUAWEI MagLinkTM can expand the new gameplay of space scenes and realize multi-device linkage.

In addition, the new M7 fully considers the needs of family travel and has a spacious effective space in the car. The trunk has a standard volume of 686L, which can easily accommodate 12 20-inch suitcases. When the two-row seats are reclined and connected to the trunk, it can achieve double lying down, easily meeting the needs of multi-scene vehicles.

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

In terms of passive safety, the new M7 is equipped with advanced body structure and high-strength materials, and the introduction of CBS composite body materials, which effectively improves collision safety. In terms of active safety, the new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 active safety system, which realizes forward, lateral and backward all-round anti-collision capabilities, providing a higher level of protection for drivers and passengers.

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

Infographic. Photo provided by the organizer

At this listing conference, Yu Chengdong held a delivery ceremony for small-order users during the Chengdu Auto Show, and asked the new M7 to be delivered immediately after listing, reducing the waiting period after users place orders, and improving consumers’ car purchase and car experience. (Ma Chunpeng)

Li Chengru on domestic comedy: do not recognize Zhou Xingchi’s nonsense, Xu Zheng’s embarrassing series is regrettable

When it comes to Li Chengru, everyone will always think of the sharp-tongued "upright boy" in "Actors Please Take Place". As an old actor in the entertainment industry and a great senior of young actors, he has many "textbook" performances that are talked about by the public.

When he evaluated the actor’s acting as "like pins and needles, like thorns on the back, like stuck in the throat", "like chewing wax, like chicken ribs", no one suspected that his evaluation was biased except that his words were too sharp and did not save face.

The fact is that as a senior actor who can complete three or four hundred words in one go, the requirements for performance are naturally high. In addition to Li Chengru’s newly launched"Play Confucian Life" personal video column is to convey to us more of his views on drama, film and television, acting.

The second episode of the program talked about a genre of drama that everyone is very interested in: comedy. As a major category of film and television dramas, the audience is also very wide. When it comes to domestic comedies, everyone must think of Hong Kong Stephen Chow or mainland Xu Zheng, "Kung Fu", "The Legend of Martial Arts", etc. In the program, Li Chengru did not shy away from saying"Wulin Gaiden" is just a replica of Hong Kong’s nonsense.There is also a lack of disapproval of the exaggeration and nonsense of Stephen Chow’s comedy-style mainstays.

Speaking of Xu Zheng’s embarrassing series a few years ago, it can be seen that he agrees with Xu Zheng’s talent, but he feels that a person’s talent will be repeated and similar. It is a pity, so there are no advanced domestic comedies? In fact, it is not the case. In more than ten minutes of comments, Li Chengru expressed his high approval of two comedies, one is "I Love My Home" and the other is "Crazy Stone".

"I Love My Home" is an indoor sitcom that premiered in 1993It has been 27 years since then, and this drama has adopted a realistic and natural and life-like comedy performance form. The background is reform and opening up, focusing on the daily life of an ordinary family in the 1990s. The plot is not dog blood, but uses real lines and natural performances to show down-to-earth trivialities and parents. It is also an absolutely advanced comedy now, and is even called by Li ChengruChamber dramas are out of print.

However, the program also mentions this type ofThe interior drama is not a domestic original, but imitates the more mature comedy form in the United States.(Similar to the soap opera "Bankrupt Sisters"), the post-90s dinner drama "Love Apartment" is also in a similar form.

"Crazy Stone" is a black comedy film released in 2006 and is still aThe boss of crime comedies, Director Ning Hao and Huang Bo are famous. This film has a lot of credit. The film adopts a closed-loop structure with multiple branches in parallel, which is short in time and complicated in events, but it is logical and reasonable. The whole film is shrouded in black humor, which is highly critical of realism. The release has achieved high praise. So far, many directors, including Ning Hao himself, have committed to surpassing it.

In the program, Li Chengru also talked about his very good impression of "Crazy Stone" at that time, but later found that the movie was alsoImported, missing some reality-based colors,He thought it was a sad thing.

The top comedy ideas are foreign, and the comedy movie TOP is not a domestic original comedy that deserves a nameDirector Xu Zheng is also fixed on his own "embarrassing" styleIt’s really sad for comedy.

Some people may argue that we don’t have sketches? In the program, Li Chengru also mentioned that this popular form of comedy is not actually a complete work, it is just a basic course for actors in all walks of life to train themselves. This showsThe gradual decline of domestic comedy is a reality, and it will take a long time for the comedy industry to break through the development obstacles.

Li Chengru bluntly said that among comedies, tragedies, and dramas, comedy is the hardest of all. After all, tragedies can have emotions brewing, while comedies are sudden, and any deliberate will appear very fake. By using the topic of tragedy and comedy, Li Chengru also corrected a misunderstanding that "whether a good crying scene can be performed is the standard that defines whether an actor’s acting is good or not", compared to "crying drama"To be able to act the "laugh scene" really, and to act with infectious power is the real strength.

The difficulty of comedy is to seek truth and image, to present the characters of the real dimension in the play, and to create funny jokes. It is not easy to achieve these two points, but it is indeed the road to success, such as "The Story of the Editorial Department" and "I Love My Home".

"The Life of a Scholar in Drama" tells the story of drama as life. The original intention of its establishment is "I can’t hold back my words, and I am willing to chat with everyone". In just ten minutes, people will gain a lot, and I look forward to more exciting content in the future.

Yang Mi’s new drama "Shake" has started filming, and it may bring out a popular actor in 2018

Yang Mi’s "Shake" setting photo

1905 movie network news Yang Mi as the heroine of "Shake" is now in full swing in Hengdian shooting, netizens eagerly looking forward to her another masterpiece, after all, she handed over a satisfactory work.

The TV drama "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" fully reflects the effect of Yang Mi, and the little fresh meat who played against Da Mimi also became new young actors with this drama. Da Mimi not only manages himself, but also his ability to create idols cannot be underestimated.

Zhang Binbin, who played the second prince of Departure in the TV series "Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles Peach Blossom", became popular because of "Pretty Li Huizhen" and "Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles Peach Blossom". Everyone likes this handsome and lovely big boy.

The affectionate Gao Weiguang, the man who played Emperor Donghua in "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles Peach Blossom", is also well known to the audience because of his role.

Liu Ruilin, who plays the role of the sixteenth junior brother, is slender, young and handsome. He has attracted attention for his role as a well-off character in TV dramas. Since the broadcast of "Three Lives and Three Worlds", he has attracted many fans.

After "Three Lives", Yang Mi’s another masterpiece "Shake" came rushing, who will play with Da Mimi? Who will become a popular actor in 2018?

Gao Weiguang has attracted much attention because of his role as Donghua Emperor in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom". This time, he will challenge the scenes of the Heavenly Fiend and the Great Han Emperor in "Shake". The flood dragon is trapped in the wild, but for a while, but there is an opportunity, and it will definitely rise. Whether Gao Weiguang can transform into an iron-blooded man and fight in Beiye is still worth fans’ expectation.

Lai Yi, who is also the "Mi Family Army Regiment", plays the role of "Poisonous Tongue Medical Saint" Zong Yue in the TV series "Fuyao" this time. Zong Yue is a clean-hearted medical saint who helps the world by day, and a top-level cold-blooded killer in black at night, Dark Charm, but he has been silently guarding Fuyao.

Another very outstanding character was Zhan Nancheng, who was the Emperor of Heaven, Zhan Beiye’s older brother, who loved Zhan Beiye’s mother and was later killed by Fuyao. Zhang Yicong, who played Zhan Nancheng, although he was only 25 years old, he played a very mature role. But looking at his resume, it is no wonder that he can control such a role.

Zhang Yicong graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy with an 11th-grade undergraduate degree. After graduation, he was admitted to the National Theater as a working actor. He has starred in many National Theater plays such as "Beijing Fayuan Temple" and "Up, Down". From the stage to the big screen, Zhang Yicong is relaxed. In addition, he also participated in the movie "Snow Storm" starring Ni Ni, Liao Fan and others.

Dramatic tension and young faces have a full chemical reaction. Will the TV series "Shake" be another popular drama after Yang Mi’s "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom"? Who do you like to become a popular actor in 2018?

Suqian Xingyue L Zhiqing cuts prices! The latest offer is 152,700, so act quickly.

Welcome to [car home Suqian Preferential Promotion Channel] to bring you the latest and anticipated preferential information. At present, the high-profile models are undergoing a vigorous promotion campaign, aiming at giving back to consumers’ love for this high-performance new energy SUV. In Suqian area, you have the opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, which makes Xingyue L Zhiqing at your fingertips at a more competitive price. The starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan, which is a good opportunity to buy a car. Want to seize this opportunity, get more specific discount details and real-time quotations, please click the "Check Car Price" button below, and let’s explore more benefits and surprises together.


The design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is full of modernity and strength. The front face is exquisitely designed in a family style, and the air intake grille is chrome-plated in a large area, creating an atmosphere without losing exquisite visual effects. The overall style is both business and sports, with smooth lines and coordinated proportions, showing the elegant temperament of luxury mid-level SUV. Whether it is the details or the overall proportion, it reflects the unremitting pursuit of quality and aesthetics by Xingyue L Zhiqing.


The side lines of Xingyue L Zhiqing are smooth and dynamic, and the body size is 4795 mm in length, 1895 mm in width and 1689 mm in height, showing a steady body proportion. Its wheelbase is as long as 2845 mm, which makes the interior space spacious, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610 mm, which ensures the stability and comfort of driving. Tyre size is 235/50 R19, and the tire width is moderate, which not only improves the driving grip, but also complements the rim style, creating a delicate and powerful visual effect. The overall design gives consideration to practicality and aesthetics, which makes people shine.


The interior of Xingyue L Zhiqing is exquisite and full of science and technology, and adopts modern and luxurious design concept. The center console is centered on a 12.3-inch large-size touch screen, with advanced multimedia system and voice recognition control system. It is easy to operate and supports navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight control. The steering wheel is made of leather with good texture, which is not only comfortable to touch, but also equipped with manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function to ensure the driver has the best control experience.

In the seat part, Xingyue L Zhiqing adopts imitation leather material, paying attention to comfort and durability. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), and is equipped with electric seat memory function to meet individual requirements. The co-pilot seat also supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the driver’s seat is additionally equipped with heating and ventilation functions. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which makes the space utilization more flexible.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a power output of 163 HP. This engine is combined with the 3-speed DHT gearbox to ensure the smoothness and fuel economy of the vehicle in daily driving. In terms of torque, the maximum torque is 255 Nm, which provides strong power support for the vehicle.

Summarizing the evaluation of car home car owners, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing has won his approval, which is simple and full of layers, and the big screen is full of science and technology. Although it is slightly dull, it obviously conforms to his aesthetics. The owner specifically mentioned that although the air volume of the rear air outlet was not satisfactory, it did not seriously affect his satisfaction with the overall interior. Therefore, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing, despite minor regrets, can still provide a comfortable driving experience as a whole, showing its unique charm.

Added information on the subject of execution, Wanda Film and Television was executed 25.17 million

According to the China Execution Information Open Network, recently, Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. added 1 piece of information about the person subject to execution, the execution target is 25172795, and the filing time is November 23, 2023. The enforcement court is the People’s Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing.

▲ Screenshot of China Executive Information Open Network

According to the official website, Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. was established in 2011 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dalian Wanda Group Beijing Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd. Wanda Film and Television integrates the development, investment, production, publicity, marketing, distribution and other multi-faceted film and television functions of movies and TV series, and is committed to the development of overseas film and television business. Up to now, the company has produced and released 101 films, and the global cumulative box office has exceeded 67 billion. There are many film and television works with good reputation at the box office, such as "Looking for the Dragon", "Get Out! Tumor Jun", "Detective Chinatown" series, "Take My Brother Away" series, etc.

According to Tianyancha App, shareholder information shows that Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. is jointly held by Wanda Film joint stock company, Zhuhai Xiangyi Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Haifa Film and Culture Co., Ltd. The controlling shareholder of the company is the class A share listed company Wanda Film joint stock company, with a shareholding ratio of 95.7683%.

4000 yuan sincere work, Huawei P30 30-day experience report

It has been nearly two months since the launch of the Huawei P30 series, and I previously reviewed the Huawei P30 Pro. The 10x hybrid zoom on the P30 Pro gave me a big shock, allowing us to see the potential of the phone in telephoto shooting, but the 6.4-inch large screen also makes it thicker.

For the author who uses mobile phones heavily, I prefer lightweight and easy to control small-screen mobile phones with one hand. So, I used the P30 as my main mobile phone for a month, and today we will talk about the experience of using the P30.

Huawei P30 long test


Appearance: 6.1 inch golden ratio, not tired after long-term use

The most obvious difference between Huawei P30 and P30 Pro is the difference in feel. The 6.1-inch screen of the P30 is more suitable for users with small hands. Although it does not use a curved screen, the sleek middle frame processing of the P30 does not make me feel broken. Compared with the P30 Pro, the shorter screen size also facilitates operations such as drop-down notification bars. One-handed operation is not a problem.

Huawei P30 long test

The 3.5mm earphone jack is still retained at the bottom.

In addition to the small screen being more practical and easier, the P30 retains a 3.5mm earphone jack, which is very convenient for listening to music with wired earphones, eliminating the trouble of carrying an adapter cable with you. However, there is still no infrared transmitter on the top of the P30. Friends who want to turn on the air conditioner with their mobile phones need to pay attention. The P30 may not meet your requirements, but now there are many smart air conditioners, which are controlled by mobile APP and WiFi. Without an infrared transmitter, it cannot be considered a flaw.

In terms of color scheme, Huawei P30 and P30 Pro have the same color scheme. They are all five color schemes: bright black, aurora, sky realm, orange, and pearlescent fritillary. There is no difference in color scheme from P30 Pro. If there is a requirement for color scheme, P30 can also meet the purchase needs.

Huawei P30 long test

Aurora color looks good

Overall, the appearance of the P30 Pro is not much different from that of the P30 Pro. In addition to the curved screen and the size of the phone, they are more of a functional difference, such as the camera difference we will talk about next.

Take pictures: super photosensitive + 3 times light change night scene is equally powerful

Huawei P30 and P30 Pro use the same CMOS, and Huawei replaced the RYYB array with the IMX600 on the P20 Pro. Compared with the ordinary RGBG array, the RYYB array uses a yellow filter instead of a green filter.

Huawei P30 long test

P30 super photosensitive Leica triple camera

This is because the yellow filter can get more light than the green one without changing the size of the single pixel. We will explain to you what RYYB is through a small arithmetic problem.

Huawei P30 series review, day bird shooting, night shooting, Galaxy live dry apple

Let’s first assume that the total amount of RGBG light is 100%, then the RGBG light can be decomposed into 25% red + 50% green + 25% blue. RYYB replaces green with yellow.

Huawei P30 Pro comprehensive review: unparalleled mobile phone camera benchmark

RGB three colors

We can see from the above image that yellow is a mixture of green and red, so the light with RYYB can be broken down into: 25% red + [50% red + 50% green (broken down by 50% yellow) ] + 25% blue.

Therefore, the total light input of RYYB’s three colors is 150% of that of RGBG. Of course, this is only a theoretical value. At the P30 series press conference, Yu Chengdong announced that this time it will be increased to 40% of the light input, indicating that RYYB still has room for further optimization.

Since RYYB’s CMOS can absorb 40% more light than traditional RGB arrays, it can obtain clearer photos in low light environments. The thicker spectral structure of the RYYB array also further enhances the limit ISO of the Huawei P30. Although the maximum ISO of the P30 is lower than the 409600 of the P30 Pro, it also reaches 204800.

Huawei P30 Series Review: Redefining the Next Generation of Mobile Photography Technology

Is such a high ISO enough? Is the brightness of night shooting lower than that of the P30 Pro?

Previously, I conducted a photo test on the P30 Pro’s extreme low light (article link here). In the extreme low light environment (indoor 0.5lux), the P30 Pro can still take photos with good brightness and clear details. When looking at the sample parameters in these low light environments, I found that the ISO was mostly locked at 25600 and the exposure time was 1/8 second.

It is still far below the limit of the P30 camera, and from the perspective of daily use experience, the difference between the P30 and the P30 Pro is mostly in the telephoto and anti-shake experience.

In terms of telephoto, the P30 uses a 3x zoom lens, while the P30 Pro uses the latest periscope 5x optical zoom lens. Of course, both the P30 and P30 Pro telephoto lenses come with optical image stabilization.

Huawei P30 long test

P30 lens combination

In terms of the main camera, although the P30 also uses the CMOS of this RYYB array, there is no additional optical image stabilization, only AIS image stabilization. From the perspective of image stabilization, it is indeed a little weaker than the P30 Pro, but AIS is also sufficient in daily scenes. The handheld 6-second exposure is still stable, and people who have requirements for camera image stabilization can rest assured.

From my actual photo effect, except for the absence of 5x light change, 10x mixed light change, and 50x digital zoom, the other experience is not much different from that of the P30 Pro.

Let’s take a look at the samples taken by the P30, starting with the night.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

This was taken just as the sun was setting. It can be seen that the brightness of the night scene shot by the P30 is one of the best, and the lighting suppression is excellent (neither of these two night scene photos has turned on the night scene mode). In the second photo, when the road light is suppressed, the pedestrians in the lower left corner can also see clearly, indicating the powerful quality of this RYYB array CMOS.

Now let’s take a look at the interior sample.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Large aperture mode

It can be seen that the indoor proof P30 also performs well, with a high dynamic range, accurate color reproduction, and the blurring of the large aperture is also in place, and there is no wrong image. Let’s take a look at the outdoor proof during the day.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Large aperture mode

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

In the daytime light ratio scene, the P30’s performance is also very stable, but it is worth mentioning that the AI assistant will automatically select the appropriate optimization mode for you. For photography Xiaobai, the automatic optimization of AI is indeed very useful.

Finally, let’s take a look at the P30’s zoom capabilities through a set of proofs.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Although this kind of zoom ability cannot achieve the effect of shooting birds, it is enough to deal with the zoom photography needs in daily life (such as shooting blackboards, shooting PPT, etc.). Of course, if you have higher requirements for zoom, it is better to consider the P30 Pro.

Of course, the front lens is also very important, the front of the P30 uses a 32 million pixel lens, let’s find a good-looking lady, directly look at the selfie effect.

Huawei P30 long test

From the sample, the beauty effect of the P30 is still good. While whitening and peeling, it still retains the details of the face. You can experience it yourself.

Of course, in addition to taking pictures, the dual-scene video recording function of Huawei P30 series has also been upgraded. After turning on this function, the left side of the picture is the picture shot with a telephoto lens, and it can be changed between 2x, 3x, and 5x zoom. On the right is the wide-angle picture shot by the main camera. While shooting close-ups, wide-angle shooting can also be taken care of.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

Double scene video

Displaying both telephoto and wide-angle is a very creative feature for some users who like to shoot videos with their mobile phones. The portrait color retention that debuted in the Mate 20 series last year was also inherited.

Overall, although the P30 camera has some differences in hardware parameters compared to the P30 Pro, there is nothing missing in gameplay. From the perspective of ordinary users (who do not have extreme requirements for mobile phone cameras), the camera quality of the P30 is already excellent enough, and the budget saved on mobile phone lenses can be used to purchase a version with larger storage space.

Screen: 6.1-inch top-of-the-line AMOLED screen, just right for one-handed operation

In addition to the camera being unmatched at the same price, the P30’s screen and performance are also highly competitive at the same price. First, let’s talk about the P30’s screen. The P30 uses a 6.1-inch Samsung AMOLED screen, and the top is also designed with a bangs.

Huawei P30 long test

We tested the screen with instruments.

Huawei P30 long test

Huawei P30 long test

It can be seen that in the bright mode, the P3 color gamut volume of this screen reaches 107.6%, and it maintains an excellent color level – the average color deviation value is delta 0.08, the maximum is delta 0.68, the default color temperature of the screen is 7373k, and the screen quality is excellent.

Performance: GPU Turbo 3.0 full release of Kirin 980 potential

In terms of performance, the P30 is still equipped with the familiar Kirin 980, coupled with the latest GPU Turbo 3.0 and the blessing of the Ark compiler, the system’s fluency has risen to a significant level.

Everyone has seen a lot of Kirin 980’s running score, so I won’t put it here. Let’s look directly at the game performance. I chose NBA2K19 for the frame rate test. The frame rate test results are as follows:

Huawei P30 long test

NBA2K19 frame rate data from GameBench

It can be seen that the whole process is 60 frames, and the frame rate basically does not fluctuate. With the blessing of GPU Turbo 3.0, the potential of Kirin 980 has been fully tapped, which also shows us the importance of optimization to SOC performance. Similarly, optimization also greatly improves the fluency of the system.

System: EMUI 9.1 fluency upgrade Huawei Share, the more convenient it is to use

From my personal experience, the P30’s screen following and application switching smoothness when sliding are better than previous Huawei phones. This is of course due to the powerful performance of the Kirin 980, but it is also inseparable from EMUI optimization. We can use the GPU drawing in developer mode to see the smoothness of sliding.

4000 yuan Huawei's sincere work Huawei P30 30-day experience report

Home slide

4000 yuan Huawei's sincere work Huawei P30 30-day experience report

Taobao swipe

4000 yuan Huawei's sincere work Huawei P30 30-day experience report

Zhihu slide

You can see that the reaction time is within the smooth line.

In addition to improving the fluency again, EMUI 9.1 has also made great efforts to beautify the icons. Compared with the icons of the previous EMUI 9.0 system, the icons of EMUI 9.1 are more simple and vibrant, giving people a brisk feeling. With the fresh style of EMUI, it is more suitable for young people to use.

4000 yuan Huawei's sincere work Huawei P30 30-day experience report

Please ignore my wallpaper

In addition to the superficial changes to the system, Huawei has also made internal optimizations and developed the EROFS file system, which is said to achieve an average of 20% faster random read speed and more free space than the traditional EXT4 file system.

Huawei P30 Pro comprehensive review: unparalleled mobile phone camera benchmark

In addition, Huawei’s one-touch function is also very easy to use, but I am not using a Huawei laptop, so I can only show you the one-touch demonstration with the P30 Pro and Huawei Matebook computers. Both the P30 and P30 Pro support one-touch transmission.

Huawei P30 Pro comprehensive review: unparalleled mobile phone camera benchmarkHuawei Shared Touch

In addition to one-touch transmission, Huawei Share is also a function I often use in work and life scenarios. To share pictures with other Huawei users, you only need to click the Huawei Share icon, which is convenient and easy to use. Huawei Share’s experience of transferring files between mobile phones is already very close to Apple’s Air Drop, but it needs to be further improved in terms of ease of transferring files with non-Huawei-branded computers.

4000 yuan Huawei's sincere work Huawei P30 30-day experience report

It can even be shared directly to the printer.

Overall, Huawei’s R & D resources invested in the system over the years have come to fruition, and the impression that the Huawei system is ugly and difficult to use has gradually faded from people’s minds. Hardware and software are walking on two legs. We might as well look forward to the next generation of Android Q upgrades. What will Huawei do?

Battery life: 3650mAh battery life, excellent heavy users can also withstand a whole day

In terms of battery life, the Huawei P30 uses a large 3650mAh battery. From my personal experience, it is completely stress-free to use it for a day from morning to evening. Please see the 5-hour battery life test results below.

Huawei P30 long test

In terms of charging, although the P30 is not equipped with the 40W super fast charging on the P30 Pro, it is still equipped with the 22.5W Huawei super fast charging. The 30-minute measured data is as follows.

Huawei P30 long test

The actual maximum power can reach 23W

However, in daily use, we may not always carry the charging head, and whether the power bank can fast charge the mobile phone is also a point of our consideration. In actual tests, Huawei P30 supports FCP, SCP and PD fast charging protocols, and there are still many power banks on the market that support these charging protocols.

Summary: 4000 yuan Eslite masterpiece old users call true fragrance

At the end of this experience, I would like to express my feelings about the P30 after using it for a long time.Although the P30 Pro has some trade-offs in camera hardware, wireless charging, dustproof and waterproof, infrared interface, battery capacity, curved screen and other functions compared to the P30 ProBut that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most cost-effective phones at that price.

For the general public who don’t usually take pictures very oftenThe camera function of the P30 is actually powerful enough. At the same price, you can hardly find a phone that takes better photos than the P30.And in terms of the feel of daily use, the smaller and lighter P30 is not easy to use.

In addition to that,Comfortable use with smooth and eco-friendly EMUI, coupled with Kirin 980 and GPU Turbo 3.0 support for games. Excellent comprehensive use experience has allowed Huawei P30 to firmly stand at the price range of 4,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.

As an "old jazz" who has used Huawei P7, P10, and Mate 20 Pro, this Huawei P30 does make me feel Huawei’s sincerity. Although Huawei has put the most dazzling highlights of the P30 series in the P30 Pro (5x optical zoom), this product strategy makes the P30 look flat as water. But for me as an ordinary user, using the P30 with just the right feel, functional experience, and price is the phone I am really willing to pay for.

In 2023, Lynk & Co’s sales exceeded 220,000 vehicles, accelerating to a new leap with millions of potential energy

  China Economic Net January 2 news, a few days ago, Lynk & Co released data: December 2023 sales of 25,695 vehicles, an increase of 16.86%, of which, new energy models sales of 14,203 vehicles, accounting for 55.3%, a new high. In 2023, Lynk & Co’s cumulative salesBreak through 220,000 car mark,Reached 220,250 vehicles, an increase of 22.27% year-on-year. From December 2017 to December 2023, Lynk & Co’s cumulative sales were 1,050,841 vehicles, continuing to leap towards new potential.

Lynk & Co’s 2023 annual sales break through 220,000

  Demonstrating hard power to new strategies, Lynk & Co becomes a model for new energy transformation

  Focusing on the performance of Lynk & Co’s products, the luxury smart super SUV Lynk & Co 08 EM-P sold 10,055 units at the end point of December 2023, and sold more than 10,000 units of a single model in two consecutive months. After less than 4 months on the market, the cumulative sales volume has reached 32,129 units, demonstrating Lynk & Co’s systematization to the new "hard power".

Lynk & Co 08 EM-P

  Specifically, the core driving force for the rising sales of Lynk & Co 08 EM-P is the Lynk & Co EM-P super-extended range electric solution. In 2023, Lynk & Co released the new EM-P super-extended range electric solution, which is a set of new energy solutions based on electric drive. It meets the needs of users in all scenarios and all working conditions with "super performance". It can be electric, mixed and extended range, achieving both strong electric inductance and no anxiety. In the past year, the pure electric mileage of Lynk & Co EM-P family users reached 203 million kilometers and the charging capacity was 28.50 million degrees.

Lynk & Co EM-P Super Extended Range Electric Solution

  Lynk & Co EM-P is equipped with a dual-motor electric drive system and supports independent rear-drive motors. It realizes super inductance with a variety of motor combinations. Combined with high-efficiency electric hybrid engine and three-speed speed ratio, it brings comprehensive power and comprehensive torque ahead of the same level, allowing Lynk & Co 08 EM-P Zero hundred to accelerate into the "4-second club". There are also advantages such as high-speed not soft, long-distance not weak, and off-road not panicking. Lynk & Co EM-P superimposes 8 major intelligent electronic control technologies and more than 20 working modes through a high-endurance flat-panel battery system, enabling CLTC pure electric battery life to exceed 240 kilometers and comprehensive battery life to exceed 1400 kilometers, allowing users to completely bid farewell to mileage anxiety and consume less energy in the state of power loss. Lynk & Co will use this as a technical base to accelerate the brand’s comprehensive transformation to new and electric.

Lynk & Co’s Smart Cockpit Operating System

  At the same time, Lynk & Co has developed a smart cockpit operating system to drive the arrival of the next million-dollar era. In 2023, Lynk & Co launched LYNK OS N, a full-stack self-developed to create a Lingxi desktop, bringing a smoother flow, a more friendly interface, and a more spiritual interaction; LYNK Flyme Auto, jointly developed by Lynk & Co and Meizu, focuses on multi-end point, full scene, and immersive experience, and the handcar is connected without feeling. Lynk & Co listened to tens of thousands of suggestions from Co customers, and completed more than 20 function optimizations and system updates of the two smart cockpit operating systems throughout the year, so that users’ intelligent experience can be fully improved.

  More than just car enlargement soft power, Lynk & Co creates a user ecosystem and goes global

  In 2023, Lynk & Co also refreshed the first "one million" speed of the new brand. In November 2023, less than six years after the official launch of the first car in 2017, Lynk & Co 01 became the fastest Chinese high-end car brand to reach one million sales. This is not only a milestone for the development of the Lynk & Co brand, but also a highlight moment for the Chinese auto industry. All this is also the result of Lynk & Co’s insistence on consolidating brand equity and serving users with heart.

Lynk & Co refreshes "the millionth speed of new brands"

  Since the establishment of the brand, Lynk & Co has always been user-centered, inspiring "More than just cars"Infinite possibilities. The same" born globally, open and interconnected ", the same WHY NOT challenges convention, Lynk & Co is more than just a car, and Co-guest life is more than just living, and work together to create a new ecosystem. In 2023, the total users of Lynk & Co APP exceeded 3.40 million, and the number of new users in the whole year 1.31 million, an increase of 228% year-on-year; MAU users exceeded 1.10 million, and the average daily activity exceeded 200,000. As of the end of last year, there were 308 Co-guest territory certifications, and more than 24,000 Co-guest events were held nationwide; Lynk & Co partners exceeded 10,000, covering 304 cities in 33 provinces/municipalities/regions in 3 countries, covering 16 major industry types. On average, a new Lynk & Co owner creates a product every half month, and Lynk & Co brings more than 74,000 pieces of goods for territorial partners.

Lynk & Co 2023 Co., Ltd

  In addition to in-depth co-creation with users, Lynk & Co uses new channels to better meet user requests in the new energy era. From 2023, Lynk & Co will add new user direct connection channels to build a compound channel system of direct sales + agency + distribution. In July 2023, China’s first Lynk & Co brand user center opened in Hangzhou, synchronously renovated the existing 300 + stores, and settled in 20 city Meizu stores. All this is done by Lynk & Co to reach the nearest place to users in an all-round way, comprehensively strengthen the touchpoint with users, and establish a more direct two-way communication and emotional connection with users.

Lynk & Co Brand User Center (West Lake) opened

  Europe is the starting point and main battlefield of Lynk & Co’s globalization, and Asia-Pacific is the new focus of brand development. In 2023, Lynk & Co’s domestic and international dual-cycle development will be virtuous and steadily advanced. "Asia Pacific Strategy": 3 Lynk & Co centers in Dammam, Jeddah and Muscat, Oman, and the Lynk & Co space in Kuwait City have opened one after another; Lynk & Co participated in the Geneva Motor Show in Qatar for the first time; officially entered the Vietnamese market, opened the first Lynk & Co space in Hanoi, and set sail for the new time zone of South East Asia; in addition to the Lynk & Co 01 and Lynk & Co 05 that have already gone to sea, the Lynk & Co 03 performance family and the flagship Lynk & Co 09 have also officially launched in the Asia-Pacific market, further enriching the Lynk & Co product matrix. In addition, the Lynk & Co team also won the 2023 TCR World Tour Team Championship of the Year, and won a total of 6 world championships in the WTCR Touring Car World Cup (now renamed TCR World Tour) in 5 years, including 4 annual team championships and 2 annual driver championships.

  In 2024, Lynk & Co also has a series of surprises, looking forward to going to the "Lynk" strategy with millions + users: Lynk & Co EM-P continues to develop, and two sets of intelligent cockpit systems go hand in hand… The latest member of the Lynk & Co EM-P family and the first new energy medium-sized car under the new generation design language – Lynk & Co 07 will be officially unveiled in the first quarter of this year, announcing that Lynk & Co has entered a new stage of high-speed development of new energy. (Picture from the company)

3.9 seconds BYD Han EV is a performance car? Test drive to change the Chinese EV, or home-based

When it comes to new energy vehicles, we can’t help talking about BYD. When it comes to BYD, we can’t help talking about Han EV (parameter picture), because Han EV is the flagship model in BYD cars. Although B-class cars are the traditional weakness of independent brands, Han EV sold 110,000 units last year. Last time, I analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the old Han EV. Not long ago, BYD made a small change to the Han EV in the first round. Have the shortcomings of the Han EV been improved after the change? Have the advantages been retained? Are there any new advantages and disadvantages? Today, let’s take a look at the changed Han EV.

After the change, the high match still highlights the comfort of home.

The positioning of the old Han EV is a little vague, and it is indecisive between the performance car and the family car, which eventually leads to the triple self-contradiction between driving and control, cost and configuration, sense of advanced and sense of movement, which affects the use experience to some extent. However, the new Han EV may have noticed this problem because of some subtle changes in its naming method.

The flagship version of the old Han EV is called "Four-wheel Drive High Performance Edition", which highlights the performance, while the new one is changed to "Four-wheel Drive Privilege Type", which highlights the privilege. This shows that BYD has set the tone in the general direction, even if it is a four-wheel drive, even if the acceleration of 100 kilometers takes only 3.9 seconds, the positioning of Han EV is still home, and the sense of advanced is the temperament it wants to present, not the performance. In the past, I always saw people discussing how to control the Han EV and how to run laps on the track. If the word "high performance" caused misunderstanding to everyone before, then the "exclusive" after the change completely eliminated this misunderstanding. Let’s take a look at what changes it has made to this end.

The biggest change in the interior is the seat.

The biggest change in appearance is the taillight shape, which has changed from the original dumbbell shape to the arch shape. This is also the easiest way to distinguish between the old and new models. If you change the model, there must always be a place where you can see the difference at a glance, otherwise you will be lonely. The biggest change in the interior is that it provides an integrated sports seat. Maybe you will say, didn’t you take the home route? Why did you change it into an integrated seat? In fact, as long as you have experienced it, you will understand that its biggest feature is to improve comfort, because it optimizes the support on both sides of the waist and thighs and reduces the hardness of filling, so it is softer and more wrapped. BYD’s sports seat is more comfortable, which is also reflected in models such as Yuan PLUS and Song PLUS.

The cruising range has increased slightly.

The old Han EV has a long battery life of 605 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version of 550 kilometers, while the modified version has a long battery life of 715 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version of 610. Although the book number is 60-110 kilometers more, the actual upgrade may be discounted, because the old one uses the NEDC test method and the modified one uses CLTC, which has a little more moisture under high-speed conditions. However, the battery capacity is indeed larger, from the original 64.8 and 76.9 kWh to 85.4 kWh, and the whole system comes standard with heat pump air conditioning, and the power consumption per 100 kilometers has dropped by about 0.5 kWh, which is really conducive to increasing the cruising range.

The power limit has not changed, and the driving experience has improved.

In fact, the power limit of Han EV has not changed. Although the power of the front motor has increased by 17 kilowatts, the vehicle weight has also increased by 80 kilograms, and the ratio of horsepower to vehicle weight has not changed much, so the acceleration of 100 kilometers is still 7.9 seconds for two-wheel drive and 3.9 seconds for four-wheel drive. However, after my test drive, I found that its power output characteristics have changed obviously.

The old driving modes are only Eco and Sport, not to mention Sport mode. Even the pedal adjustment of ECO mode is radical, and it is not easy to control the ride comfort. There is a Normal mode in the modified model. In order to understand it, I describe it this way, that is, the current Sport mode is still the previous Sport mode, and there is no change. The new Normal mode is the previous Eco, and the current Eco is the previous Eco soft version, which means that the adjustable range of power style is wider, the upper limit has not changed, and the lower limit has become softer. If it is a daily driving in the city, the Eco mode is the first to be promoted, which can solve the problem of abrupt acceleration on the old model.

Four-wheel drive version introduces active electromagnetic suspension.

Because the old Han EV always wants to take into account the sports attributes, there is a problem that the suspension is hard, which is also criticized by many old car owners. The most resolute place to optimize the change is the suspension adjustment. First, it filters the fine pavement more thoroughly and is more stable on the potholes. Second, the four-wheel drive version introduces an active electromagnetic suspension system, which can adjust the damping of the rear axle according to the vibration feedback of the front axle to reduce the vibration of the rear axle, and can also customize the hardness of the suspension. Active suspension used to be a configuration that can only be seen in high-end luxury cars. In order to improve the chassis texture, Han EV was willing to use such a powerful drug in a small change. I really didn’t expect it, which shows how determined Han EV is. Of course, there are some regrets. Only the four-wheel drive version can enjoy the hardware upgrade, while the two-wheel drive version is optimized by tuning.

Car stuck disappeared.

The most obvious change in the redesigned configuration is the car system, which has been upgraded from DiLink3.0 to 4.0 supporting 5G, and synchronized with BYD’s latest car. Therefore, the jams that many people complained about before have disappeared, and the UI and screen brightness have also been improved. The instrument can also support the display of navigation maps, and the head-up display has been added. These are all functions that can quickly improve the driving sense.

In addition, the new model also comes standard with Dana audio. Although I can’t tell the difference with my appreciation level, Dana’s logo is really eye-catching.

Driving assistance undercooked

In addition, the intelligent driver assistance system has added some functions, such as the automatic lane change function of HWA, etc. However, I have tried many times, and the probability of failure is high, and the accuracy needs to be improved. The original ADAS functions have not changed much in the use experience, and the feeling is still a little less interesting than that of the new forces.

After the change, the product orientation of Han EV becomes very clear, that is, it further strengthens the household attribute and weakens the performance attribute. The three major contradictions of the old model have not been seen this time, but those structural-related shortcomings have remained, such as too large turning radius and too small trunk volume, which may not be solved until the big replacement. As for the new problems, there are some, mainly focusing on the newly added ADAS functions, and the experience has not reached the standard of "easy to use". I always think that it is meaningful to make the configuration of domestic cars big and not at all, but to do little but fine.

Generally speaking, after the change, the positioning of Han EV is higher, and the positioning is higher rather than simply referring to higher prices. There is a difference between the two. Higher positioning is not a disadvantage, which is necessary for Han EV to further enter the mid-to high-end market, but at the same time, it will also lose part of the original market, but fortunately, the old low-profile models are still on sale, which is another choice for Han EV fans. These are my comments on the modified EV, and I will follow up on the test drive experience of Han DM-i and DM-p later.